REPORT: Trump puts off relocating US embassy to Jerusalem – IOTW Report

REPORT: Trump puts off relocating US embassy to Jerusalem

They’re trying to not enrage the Palestinians before they try to iron things out with a peace talk between them and Israel.
Whatever. Carry on:

DML: In order to avoid provoking Palestinian tempers as he attempts to engage the country’s leaders in peace talks with Israel and the U.S., President Donald Trump has decided to delay moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, according to an article in Bloomberg which quoted an unnamed White House official as its source.

The anonymous official, who reportedly “asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the matter,” said that the administration is optimistic that discussions between the two countries will go well, claiming that the Palestinians in particular are “agreeing to talk without preconditions.”

While he was campaigning a year ago, Trump made a speech to the American Israeli Political Action Committee conference in which he called Jerusalem “the eternal capital of the Jewish people” and promised that he would move the U.S. embassy there. However, the Palestinians also claim Jerusalem as their capital, so relocating the U.S. embassy there would appear as though Trump is siding with Israel; angering the Palestinians. read more

8 Comments on REPORT: Trump puts off relocating US embassy to Jerusalem

  1. Moving the embassy is a non-issue …. who cares? One of those bullshit symbolic acts of no importance.
    Just get rid of the fucking terrorist Muzzies – that’s it in a nutshell.

  2. The Palestinians are playing Trump. They’re really trying to see how much financial welfare they can mooch. The art of the deal doesn’t work with jihadists.

  3. Note to Nobel Prize committee:
    re: Yasser Arafat:
    It might be worthwhile to wait until some actual Peace has been achieved before handing out a Peace Prize.

    And please remind me- just what did Obama do to deserve his Prize?

  4. One of PDT’s oft repeated specific promises was over the move of our embassy to Jerusalem.

    He lied. But hey, it’s what he felt necessary to get elected, so it’s okay.

    Why are we still paying for the DREAMers to take our benefits, jobs and country, and chain-migrate in all of their cousins (half of S.America)?
    Opps, maybe he just got distracted by the fallout from Flynn, a paid lobbyist for Turkey.

    Didja know PDT owns a high-profile law firm in Russia? Hmmmm…that is a pretty difficult thing for Westerners do do as a rule…I guess it just comes to who ya know.

  5. We already have a fully functional embassy in a country smaller than West Virginia. And I’m supposed to care what the “excuse” is for not looting American taxpayers, again, to build another one, 35 miles away?

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