Report: Trump’s Trade War Threatens to Hurt Hollywood – IOTW Report

Report: Trump’s Trade War Threatens to Hurt Hollywood

CNS: Hollywood fears that President Donald Trump’s trade war with China could prevent the U.S. entertainment industry from expanding its box office revenues, a new report warns.

“President Donald Trump’s looming trade war with China could leave Hollywood’s wallets lighter,” warns an article in “Variety” magazine.

In reality, the article admits, the real fear is that Chinese retaliation could prevent Hollywood from obtaining permission to increase the number of films it can send to China, widen its range of distributors, and end blackout periods – not actual loss of profits: MORE

5 Comments on Report: Trump’s Trade War Threatens to Hurt Hollywood

  1. So, possible reduction in the “predicted” (hey, astrology is a science — depending on what your definition of “is” is… oh, and “science!”) rate of increase in profits, is actually a “loss”. No wonder Hollywood is so popular with Columbia (and lawyers — is that redundant?).

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