Report: TX Gunman Escaped From Mental Health Facility In 2012 – IOTW Report

Report: TX Gunman Escaped From Mental Health Facility In 2012

Daily Caller: Devin P. Kelley, the gunman who killed 26 people in a Texas church, reportedly escaped from a mental health facility in 2012.

According to Channel 2 Houston, Kelley was institutionalized while he was in the U.S. Air Force after being charged with assaulting his wife and baby stepson.

A 2012 police report shows that he escaped from the psychiatric hospital after making death threats against his superiors in the Air Force and trying to smuggle weapons onto the base where he was stationed.

Kelley escaped from Peak Behavioral Health Services, a facility in New Mexico, and was caught by police in El Paso, Texas on June 7, 2012.

A witness told police that Kelley “suffered from mental disorders and had plans to run to from Peak Behavioral Health Services” by purchasing a bus ticket to get out of the state. read more here

10 Comments on Report: TX Gunman Escaped From Mental Health Facility In 2012

  1. Yet again Trump is proven right. He said yesterday we have mental health issues not gun issues and the media laughed themselves silly. I have to say I’m very pleased Trump is very strong on the 2nd amendment and all those that told us it was just an act also have been proven wrong.

  2. Is it possible that our military is losing its edge by being a Petri dish for social engineering and experimentation? We need the best and the brightest, not the LGBQT, everyone gets trophy crowd.

  3. I didn’t finish my thought. This guy on getting dishonorably discharged should have had every law enforcement agency in the country notified that he is trouble. Instead he walks out of the gate causes trouble everywhere he goes, then goes berserk in a church.

  4. No less then 3 government agencies were tasked with putting him on the registry.
    The registry maintained for our supposed safety to prevent possession of firearms by unfit citizens.
    They failed in their assigned tasks.
    Not one, not two but three individual parts of the government!
    Looks to me the biggest problem we have here is government.

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