Report: U.S. Officials to Grill Christopher Steele on FBI Ties in London – IOTW Report

Report: U.S. Officials to Grill Christopher Steele on FBI Ties in London


Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence agent who authored the hoax dossier alleging dubious ties between President Donald Trump and Russia, will meet with U.S. officials to discuss his relationship with the FBI, according to a report.

The Times of London, citing a source close to Steele, reports the ex-spy will sit down with officials in London “within weeks.” The report comes days after Reuters broke the news that Steele refused to face questions from Connecticut’s U.S. Attorney John Durham, who was recently appointed by Attorney General William Barr to examine the origins of the FBI’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Despite Steele ruling out cooperation with Durham’s office, a source told Reuters that the former spook may still assist Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz with his review of the FBI’s handling of both the Clinton and Trump investigations.

Steele was hired in 2016 by the opposition research firm Fusion GPS on behalf attorneys for the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign to dig up dirt on President Trump. the dossier was partly used by the FBI to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to surveil members of the Trump campaign, such as former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor Carter Page. Bureau officials failed to disclose explicitly to the FISA court that the dossier was funded for by the Clinton campaign and DNC, though officials did indicate that the document was produced as opposition research. more here

11 Comments on Report: U.S. Officials to Grill Christopher Steele on FBI Ties in London

  1. I’m afraid that those “U.S. officials” won’t be permitted to question Steele about the relationship between the FBI (and other parts of the U.S. intelligence apparatus) and the GCHQ (the Brit equivalent of the NSA).

    But that would tarnish the special relationship so it won’t happen, alas.

  2. Sounds like there’s been a little back channel chit chat between Trump officials and those in the UK.
    This clown refused to talk with the DOJ investigator but suddenly changes his tune?
    It’s not because he wanted to!

  3. Oh I don’t think the Brits want to stonewall on this one. They were complicit in this conspiracy and want to quietly cooperate to save themselves from the scandal.

  4. Steele is well aware that all his anti Trump activities have been duly noted by the administration and he’s going to want to minimize the consequences. He’ll be turning on the FBI rats for his own survival.

  5. @gin blossom, @TRF – The Brits want to stonewall on part of it, and there’s no other reasonable interpretation given the announcement and its timing that DJT made a deal to get part of Steele’s information while not exposing the collusion between the anti-Trump / anti-Nationalist deep states of the two countries.

    I don’t like it, but there it is.

  6. Keep in mind that the British government is in turmoil right now and they are not likely speaking in unison. Five Eyes was involved and they can’t risk the damage to this agreement because some faction in their government stepped out of bounds. Those that were complicit in this affair may very well be on shaky ground now and don’t have the same level of control.
    I expect they’ll be coming clean.

  7. Maybe Sweden not requesting Assange is part of a larger strategy as well? Who knows. Keep up the guard as he travels to see the other queen, in Ireland. The pm went to see Obama before meeting with Trump this past St. Patrick’s Day. Ireland’s president, yesterday, is on the AlGore Express and described Trump as regressive and pernicious when it comes to laying down policy track for the AlGore Climatic Chew-Chew.

  8. The monkey looked the buzzard right
    dead in the eye and said,
    Your story’s so touching, but it sounds
    just like a lie. *

    For those too poor to take out their wallets and PAY tension. IT WAS THE BUSH/ROVE SYNDICATE THAT HIRED STEEL. I HAVE NEVER HEARD ANY BUSH NOR KARL SAY THEY WERE “D”!


    “The Free Beacon is, and always has been, one of the propaganda arms of the GOP liberal elite, “our betters”!

    As Barry said in he ’60 book , paraphrasing, “Since Teddy the leadership of the GOP has been and remains (’64) liberal leftists”

    Again for emphasis the Rove/Bush clique are hyper liberal, progressive GOP. When they paid for this they were not openly supporting Clinton. By Oct ’16 the Rove/Bush clique told us loud and clear VOTE CLINTON!

    * When this song came out I was old enough to read the Post and understand it was a propaganda arm of the KGB. I did not know what the KGB was 70 years ago, but by ’56 I knew well what it was! NAT “KING” COLE

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