Report: Unvaccinated Students ‘Numbered’ with Sharpie and Tracked at High School Prom – IOTW Report

Report: Unvaccinated Students ‘Numbered’ with Sharpie and Tracked at High School Prom

Breitbart: Unvaccinated students attending the Exeter, New Hampshire, high school prom were “numbered” with a sharpie pen and then tracked throughout the evening, a New Hampshire parental rights advocate reported.

Ann Marie Banfield, who writes at the blog Granite Grok, reported New Hampshire Rep. Melissa Litchfield, who represents the Brentwood district, posted to Facebook Tuesday that some constituents informed her their unvaccinated students who attended the Exeter High School prom Monday night “had a number written on them in Sharpie” and were tracked throughout the evening.

Litchfield continued with some quotes from “angry” constituents:

If they were on the dance floor they had to raise their hands after every three songs so their numbers could be recorded by other underclass students for contact tracing purposes. There’s even more to the story, but this alone is surprising to us. We truly feel they are literally branding our kids if they don’t get this experiential (sic) “emergency” approved vaccine …

Litchfield reported another constituent said:

They also left the list of student names (first and last) with the info on whether they were vaccinated or not on a table outside after the prom. I found it the next morning. This information should 1. Not have been shared and 2. Should never be left where anyone can have access to it. I have a photo of the list.

“I find it absolutely unbelievable that ‘ ‘ and ‘ ‘ was allowed to treat the kids like prisoners in Nazi Germany,” another person told Litchfield. “Marking them, thus singling them out, and then having to raise their hands is beyond tolerable.” more here

15 Comments on Report: Unvaccinated Students ‘Numbered’ with Sharpie and Tracked at High School Prom

  1. Correction:

    We truly feel they are literally branding our kids if they don’t get this experiential (sic) “emergency” approved vaccine non-vaccine

    It’s not a vaccine. Seriously. Not just a cute opinion of mine. It’s NOT a vaccine.

    Research it yourself so you don’t think I’m linking you to BS.

  2. I will not say that this is one of the reasons that I have retired from teaching, but…

    I did enjoy my time at the high school and teaching that I did, but, the powers that be did help me in my decision to retire. I was not entirely with them, agree with them, but I will never disuade what they did to encourage . I made the decision based on my circumstanstances (me, not them), but they made some decisions I agreed with, and some I did not).

    I do think that that the organizations I worked for / with (Front Range Communitiy College) in Colorado did work well within the framework that was forced on them
    Regardlessless, I think that that the majority/plurality will agree with me. I know some will say I am full of s@@@, but I still respect them and will keep them on my list.

    I know that we will never agree politically, but we do remain friends.

    I still remain friends within my students. They may not put me at the top of their lists, but I can honestly say that I enjpyed my time with them

  3. I know I’m a broken record, but it’s hard to feel sorry for parents who know what den of evil they’re sending their kids into, yet they keep sending them into it.

    Until parents get their kids out of these schools, all of it from indoctrination, rape/molestation, etc. will continue.


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