Report: VA Hired Doctors With Malpractice Claims, Felony Convictions Against Them – IOTW Report

Report: VA Hired Doctors With Malpractice Claims, Felony Convictions Against Them


The Department of Veterans Affairs has carried on with the practice of hiring doctors with malpractice claims and felony convictions in their backgrounds.

USA Today investigation has found that the VA’s hiring process for physicians may not be as thorough as it seems. The hiring process entails license verification and reference-checking, but it appears as though VA officials have some amount of discretion when they discover medical licensing problems, malpractice or felony convictions.

In other words, VA officials can simply disregard sordid pasts and approve hiring of questionable doctors, anyway.

For example, in one case USA Today uncovered, a VA hospital in Muskogee, Oklahoma, brought on a psychiatrist in 2013, despite knowing he had a history of actions taken against his medical license for sexual misconduct, among other things.

This psychiatrist, Stephen Lester Greer, ended up having a sexual relationship with a patient at the VA. In August, he pleaded guilty to trying to persuade the patient to lie about the relationship.

Another psychiatrist started work at a VA clinic in 2014 in Lafayette, Louisiana, although he had felony convictions on his job application. The VA overlooked those convictions, but then ran a background check more than a year after his firing. Officials discovered eight arrests, some of which involved drug dealing and burglary.  read more


10 Comments on Report: VA Hired Doctors With Malpractice Claims, Felony Convictions Against Them

  1. Bottom of the Barrel medicine.

    Once interviewed for the VA as an outpatient counselor – got the willies when they started talking about paper documentation of patients would be more important than actual methods and success with patients.

    I turned the job offer down very quickly after discovering my office mate psychiatrist was a Jamaican Doc who spoke very very bad english and kept a bong in the office.

  2. This is part of their problem, bureaucrats do not have any discretion at all, therefore none should be given or expected. The old adage any doctor is better than no Dr. no longer applies.

  3. They throw “malpractice” in there as a scare word, but then never address it.

    According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2011,
    “Overall, the study authors said, 75 percent of physicians practicing in a low-risk specialty will have been sued by the time they are age of 65 years, 19 percent will have made an indemnity payment. For those in the high risk specialties, 99 percent will have been sued by age 65, and 71 percent will have lost.”

  4. Hey! Where’s the cunt-lick that shit his pants over my comment about how lazy VA people are that I posted in last thread about dirty VAs a couple of days ago?? Once again, VA personnel are the laziest pieces of excrement that you’d ever run into in the work force. They are so lazy that it is easier for them to sweep piss poor doctors (and nurses by the way) under the rug then go through all the hoops (<–read effort) that they need to, to be sure that these worthless docs/nurses can't continue to inflict harm on patients.

  5. The VA has been a sham for decades. Many decades! The “Dough boys” got really bad care from the VA in the 60’s. It has always been a fraud on the taxpayer and on vets!
    Nothing has changed in 56 years!

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