Report: Warren Beatty Accused of Abusing A Minor in 1973 – IOTW Report

Report: Warren Beatty Accused of Abusing A Minor in 1973

MAGA Conservatives: Hollywood star Warren Beatty got terrible news when his alleged past came back to haunt him and he was accused of sexually abusing a child in a new lawsuit against the 85-year-old actor.

According to court documents filed in the Los Angeles Superior Court, Beatty is being sued for allegedly sexually assaulting a minor in 1973 when she was 14 and he was 35. It was brought against Beatty but does not mention his name referring to him as a “renowned and well-known actor and producer who was nominated for an Academy Award in 1967 for his role as Clyde in Bonnie and Clyde.” MORE

24 Comments on Report: Warren Beatty Accused of Abusing A Minor in 1973

  1. Hollywood Actor Guidelines

    1. Must vote Democrat.
    2. Must not believe in religion.
    3. Children are only for sexual desires.
    4. Laws are made to be broken.
    5. If accused of any wrong doing, you must play the victim.

  2. I’m guessing that the physical evidence is nil?
    No cum-stained blue dress, for instance?
    Or poodle skirt – whatever 14 y/o girls were wearing in 1973.

    Maybe he’ll just pay her to go away – or, at least, her shysters.

    I loathe Warren Beatty – but – seriously – 49 years after the alleged incident?
    She sure was taking her time getting angry.

    Come to think of it, I believe he pinched my butt once … but since I’m a guy …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “Economic injury”.
    He might be a perverted pedo scumbag like many in Hollywood, but I bet that phrase means she wants to try her luck at the pedo lawsuit lottery. I’m getting more jaded than ever.

  4. “Warren Beatty Accused of Abusing A Minor in 1973”

    And the dems have been accused of, and are guilty of, stealing the presidential election since 2020 BUT…NOOOOBODY seems to give a shit.

  5. I am both jaded and calloused, I realize there are billions of other things going on in life but my first thoughts are democrap headlines that are mostly a distraction from the total fuck-ups created by the liberal left commies.

  6. It’s a badge of honor for people like him. The fucking idiotic Democrats will probably try to get the old fuck to run for president. He can replace the other pedophile. Fetterman can be his running mate.

  7. Wait…..? What?!?!
    Fifty years after the fact, and NOW she comes forward to accuse Beatty?
    First, isn’t there a statute of limitations on these things?
    Did you tell anyone else who can corroborate even a little bit of your fairy tale?
    Any evidence stored for the past 50 years?

    Or is this (as mentioned above) another Christine Blasey Ford?
    And at this point, I believe NO woman!


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