Report: White House Press Corp Is Not Pleased With Karine Jean-Pierre – IOTW Report

Report: White House Press Corp Is Not Pleased With Karine Jean-Pierre

How DARE they! Bigots! REEEeeeEEE!!!


Guy highlighted how poorly White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has been handling her job, and it appears that POLITICO has taken notice as well. The Wednesday night edition of West Wing Playbook Exclusive for the outlet noted that “Karine Jean-Pierre’s tough debut: Unforced stumbles and press corps grumbles,” which began by pointing out that she’s had “a rocky first month.” 

Jean-Pierre has memorably made a Freudian slip, such as when she accurately but accidentally pointed out that Biden is looking to “elevate” the pain at the pump. She also is known to flip through her binders without having a clear answer for the press.  more

22 Comments on Report: White House Press Corp Is Not Pleased With Karine Jean-Pierre

  1. WHAT???





  2. Typical red diper doper baby. Say what you will about Paski, at least that snarky bitch could somewhat think on her feet.

    This intersectionsal afro topped potato head is just another coddled commie child. Her immaturity and lack of intellect are so evident that even her fellow travelers are calling her out.

    Any fool can read verbatim from a briefing book, except the Pedo and that’s the rub with this imbecile, her inability to handle or anticipate the most basic of questions reminds everyone of her boss and his manifest inadequacies.

    A confederacy of dunces to be sure…

  3. She looks through the binder and STILL can’t answer a question. Sure, MeEnany looked through a binder, but she would then give every minuscule detailed from the past two years about the subject.

  4. Send her to Shitcago so she can move in with the troglodyte wombat mayor. They can swap LGBTQWTF stories and cuddle on the couch, while listening to the soothing sounds of gunfire. Yuck, I just made myself throw up in my mouth.

  5. This Texan Has Had Enough
    JULY 1, 2022 AT 9:30 AM
    “Karin Diversityhire is as much of an embarrassment as Joe. Most incompetent government ever!”


    They put her there on purpose.

    They want you to know that they don’t even consider you worth telling a believable lie to.

    She’s the same as the Whore and the Pedo in that. They picked them SPECIFICALLY to rub it in your face that even the most vile and stupid among them is STILL the boss of YOU, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.

  6. The first Black Colored Married Lesbian Immigrant Spokeswomen might also be the Most Ignorant Black Colored Married Lesbian Immigrant Spokeswoman for a Dementia Suffering Fraudulently Elected Imbecile. What a Bunch of Bullshit packed into a White House.

  7. Everytime I see a pic of that ****, the song “Mamies Little Baby Loves Shortn’n Bread” pops into my head….she looks like one of Mamies little babies.

    I still love the song – racists as it was. As a kid we didn’t see it that way. Surely you can see the Whitehouse spokes person in this sing….Especially at the :52 mark

  8. Reporter: “Ma’am, why does President Biden want gas prices to get worse?”

    Karine (pronounced ‘KaaaahReeeNaaay’): “Look mathahfackah… I ain’tz here to ansuh yo’ damn queshunz!!!”

    Reporter: “Well, actually, I think you are.”

    Karine (pronounced ‘KaaaahReeeNaaay’): “Don’t be gibben me no impudance white boy!… You sound like a racist, sexist, homophobic mathahfackah just like ALL straight white boyz are!!!”

    Reporter: “Isn’t that kind of a racist & sexist statement in its own right?”

    Karine (pronounced ‘KaaaahReeeNaaay’): “Now you done pissed me off mathahfackah!… I dun tolt you to stop aksin’ me queshunz & shit yo! It aintz my job to ansuh yo’ damn queshunz! It be yo’ job to aks me dee queshuns I’m wantz tuh ansuh and not aks me dee queshuns I ain’tz ansuhing! Got it? Cuz’ iffen you don’tz, I’m about to go all up and down yo’ azz peckahwood!!!”

  9. Goldenfoxx
    JULY 1, 2022 AT 10:00 AM
    “Everytime I see a pic of that ****, the song “Mamies Little Baby Loves Shortn’n Bread” pops into my head….she looks like one of Mamies little babies.

    I still love the song – racists as it was. ”

    …except it wasn’t.

    It’s Mandela effect and Democrat fueled modern racial hypersensitivity that makes it so.

    Observe the people in this ’30s cartoon when they were not in the least worried about “offending” to see…

  10. @SNS: “Observe the people in this ’30s cartoon when they were not in the least worried about “offending” to see…”

    That was over 80 years ago – my how things have changed. No mo Uncle Ben’s Rice, Aunt Jemima, Red Skins, on and on. Not Mandela effect, it’s here. I saved my Uncle Ben’s rice canister…..


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