Report: Wisconsin Election Clerks May Have Illegally Altered Thousands of Ballots – IOTW Report

Report: Wisconsin Election Clerks May Have Illegally Altered Thousands of Ballots


Poll workers in Wisconsin may have unlawfully altered thousands of mail-in ballots due to unlawful guidance from the state’s election commission, according to a report.

According to Wisconsin law, an absentee ballot requires that it be signed by a witness who also lists his or her address. Should the ballot not contain the a witness address, the ballot is disallowed and must be returned to the voter so that the witness can provide that information.

However, according to a report from the “Dan O’Donnell Show,” sources claim that “clerks and vote counters” in the state wrote in the witness signatures themselves. Furthermore, the report claims that the election workers chose to write in the addresses because they were illegally advised to do so by the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC).

If the poll workers did in fact write the addresses in, the ballots are invalid. read more

6 Comments on Report: Wisconsin Election Clerks May Have Illegally Altered Thousands of Ballots

  1. Ooooooo, once the blame starts you know they’re going down!

    I don’t know what an “Election Clerk” is but making ANY sort of correction to a ballot is usually verboten and they probably knew that.

    I’m with that atty in S.Carolina (Lin). There are no coincidences.

  2. stirrin — Wouldn’t THAT be a pip?!

    All “The Media” (all hail “The Media”!) are performing in the Synchronized Vote Fraud Olympics today by using the phrase “baseless claims made by the President”. For those keeping score, today’s buzzphrase is: “Baseless Claims”.

  3. How do you determine which ballots were altered, even if enough witnesses come forward and are believed who say they saw it being done or did it themselves after obeying instructions to do so.

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