Report: ‘Women Against Abuse’ Discouraged Black Domestic Abuse Victims From Calling The Police – IOTW Report

Report: ‘Women Against Abuse’ Discouraged Black Domestic Abuse Victims From Calling The Police

Yes, you read that right.


It was just two months after the death of George Floyd that one of the largest domestic violence nonprofits in the United States, Women Against Abuse, brought in several diversity consultants to conduct a racial-equity audit. The goal of the audit, Women Against Abuse told staffers, was to become “a fully inclusive, multicultural, and antiracist institution.”

By November 2020, the organization, which is ostensibly devoted to “serving all survivors,” was offering to pay “BIPOC” employees more than their white counterparts and discouraging black abuse victims from calling the police. Its employees were also at war with each other, bickering over whether Jews are a persecuted minority group and whether there is such a thing as a non-racist white person.

Those events prompted Nicole Levitt, an attorney with the group’s legal center, to file a discrimination complaint against her employer with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission alleging that it “berated, humiliated, and subjected” her to “mandatory thought reform efforts.”

“Women Against Abuse used to be liberal,” Levitt told the Washington Free Beacon. “Now it’s illiberal.”

This story is based on Levitt’s discrimination complaint, Women Against Abuse’s response to it, and materials from the equity audit that Levitt shared with the Free Beacon. It reveals how the leading domestic violence nonprofit in Philadelphia descended into dogmatism and infighting, obsessing over identity as domestic homicides in the city reached an all-time high of 43 in 2021—more than double the previous year. more here

12 Comments on Report: ‘Women Against Abuse’ Discouraged Black Domestic Abuse Victims From Calling The Police

  1. And the biggest threat to the Black Woman’s children is the new boyfriend.

    The beatings don’t stop with Mom.

    But sure, argue about whether Jews are persecuted.

    That’ll help./s

  2. Black Lives Matter only for extermination through abortion, drugs, crime, Marxist indoctrination – the true objective of the left. Sadly, too many black Americans have been pied pipered by socialists into a sewer of self destruction.

  3. “This story is based on Levitt’s discrimination complaint, Women Against Abuse’s response to it, and materials from the equity audit that Levitt shared with the Free Beacon. It reveals how the leading domestic violence nonprofit in Philadelphia descended into dogmatism and infighting, obsessing over identity as domestic homicides in the city reached an all-time high of 43 in 2021—more than double the previous year.”

    Wasn’t this their intended end game?

  4. The marxists don’t want the numbers to look bad for black domestic violence. They want it underreported to skew the statistics. In the end it doesn’t help black women.

  5. “Your organization is caught up in a power arrangement that maintains racial inequality,” a handout from Crossroads reads. “Your organization’s ‘solutions’ to racism are ultimately a part of the problem and do not affect change at a root level.”

    Says the obese privileged black woman who, steeped in power and corruption inside the Clinton Global Institute. Pfffft.

  6. Guess they ain’t gonna help mudshark wimmens at ALL.

    you know, seeing as how all Whites, even Whites with abusive Black boyfreinds and all, are evil raycissts who deserve everything they get because, slavery, or something…

  7. Isn’t it odd how the North American Pigwhimmins movement manages to accomplish all the following in the name of “representing women”?

    1. Get innocent men smeared as domestic abusers (best if they’re white).

    2. Protect domestic abusers if they’re not white.

    3. Aid and abet trannie predators of women and children.

    4. Aid and abet trannie assholes in stealing women’s sports away from actual women.

    5. Aid and promote mass immigration from cultures that are not only highly patriarchal but misogynistic as well.

    Whatever these cunts in the pigwhimmin’s movement are up to, it sure isn’t about helping women.

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