Report: You May Not Need Statins, Even With Elevated ‘Bad’ Cholesterol – IOTW Report

Report: You May Not Need Statins, Even With Elevated ‘Bad’ Cholesterol

Epoch Times: For decades, the answer to lowering cholesterol to prevent heart attack or stroke was a statin prescription. Unfortunately, many people prescribed statins stop taking them due to side effects, while others question their efficacy. One study even found that doctors have overprescribed statins worldwide, which can potentially be harmful.

Is statin therapy suitable for you? A simple test could give you a better idea of your risk for a heart attack or stroke by evaluating your coronary artery calcium (CAC) score.

‘Bad’ Cholesterol May Not Be Bad

Both the media and food industry tout the importance of a low-cholesterol diet, and we often hear about “bad” and “good” cholesterol.

The “bad” cholesterol is the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and the “good” cholesterol is the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C).

It’s important to note that without cholesterol, we could not survive.

It helps make up our cells and hormones, it’s crucial in the delivery of insulin into our cells, and it helps make up the essential vitamins A, D, E, and K. MORE

20 Comments on Report: You May Not Need Statins, Even With Elevated ‘Bad’ Cholesterol

  1. Cayenne pepper will thin your blood and prevent heart attacks and stroke, but they don’t want you to know that.

    Get it at the health food store in capsules.

  2. Who in the hell trusts anyone in the medical trades anymore? The government is just as bad. We know for certain the government is systemically corrupt, especially the CDC and the FDA.

  3. The purpose of statins is to make sure you need statins for the rest of your life. They don’t make you better. They make sure your body will be more sensitive in a bad way to a higher CL level.

  4. Yesterday morning I saw 2 commercials together. Dupixent – to treat shingles, and Nucala – to treat asthma, but may cause shingles.
    There is probably as many deaths from “side effects” as the diseases treated.

    The list price of DUPIXENT is $3,587.92 USD per carton.
    The list price of Nucala is $3,497 for a supply of 1 powder for injection.

  5. I was on statins for about 10 years; the whole time thinking it was just old age that had me crippled up. I started doing some research and told my Doc that I quit. He had me try a different statin but it had the same effect on my muscles and joints. Debilitating! I shit canned the crap and in 12 weeks had my life back.

  6. TSUNAMI March 7, 2023 at 3:54 pm

    Cayenne pepper will thin your blood and prevent heart attacks and stroke, but they don’t want you to know that.

    So will krill or a good quality fish oil. The doctor pulled that statin crap on me and I took it for 1 week, and couldn’t get out of bed. It attacked my muscles. That was 20 years ago. I take krill, we’re all going to die from something – some sooner some later. If you’re right with the Lord, there’s no worries.

  7. Ive been taking statins after open heart since 2015 and my LDL crept up to 134 by 2022. So I was boosted to a statin and a half for 6 months, cut off all sat fat and dropped LDL back to 115. Side effect was tremendous weight loss .. went from 175 to 160 (@6’1) Hadnt been that light since age 12.

    So cut back the statin, pigged out on fatty shit and got back to 170. Before open heart I was a lean 190. Now I’m a really lean 170

    So make of that what you will

  8. I was told to take statins for high cholesterol l….
    Nope….refused it because my research said once you started statins….you’d have increasing dosages every year….because your cholesterol will keep increasing….I wonder why….????

    Get out and get some fresh air and sun….now what does sunlight turn cholesterol into….????

  9. Goldenfoxx

    So will krill or a good quality fish oil.
    Correct, and they also act as a remedy for dry eye by acting as a sort of an internal eye-drops for people who have had LASIK surgery.

    Flax see oil capsules act like eye-drops as well when taken orally.

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