Report: Zelensky now threatening that Ukrainian refugees will “attack” Europe if the gravy train stops – IOTW Report

Report: Zelensky now threatening that Ukrainian refugees will “attack” Europe if the gravy train stops

Revolver– As the conflict in Ukraine drags on, Western countries are feeling the financial strain of supporting this seemingly endless conflict without a clear push for peace talks or resolution. It’s become a costly, prolonged confrontation that benefits the wealthy elites who thrive on war. Perhaps no one is more eager to see this war drag on than Zelensky himself. With the support he’s receiving from the U.S. and its allies, he’s probably living high on the hog. It’s hard to gauge since there’s zero transparency regarding the billions being shoveled over. However, when you watch the loads of video clips showcasing Ukrainian cities, you can’t help but notice how vibrant and safe their nightlife appears. It often seems more appealing than what you might find in many American cities. more

20 Comments on Report: Zelensky now threatening that Ukrainian refugees will “attack” Europe if the gravy train stops

  1. Hahahahahahahaha
    Those countries are already under attack from within, by all the immigrants they welcomed. A few bedraggled Ukranians wouldn’t be able to do much – and they would probably be grateful for any hospitality.

  2. WTF!!! Threaten the hand that feeds you BILLIONS??? You should be BITCH SLAPPED into medieval times! We NEVER should have been involved in this crap in the first place! F Ukraine and FJB

  3. They have such an over abundance of troops decisively fighting off the Russians that he can spare a bunch to attack Europe? Or is it the refugees he is threatening to drag back to Ukraine to fill in his swollen ranks he is talking about.

    This would suggest that maybe HE is the bad guy in all of this.

  4. Zelensky is a perverted moron who has convinced the US the he is a legitimate piece of shit. The imbeciles who support Zelensky are going to destroy what is left of our formerly great republic.

  5. RadioMattM FRIDAY, 15 SEPTEMBER 2023, 21:53 AT 9:53 PM
    Current first place in the comment section.

    2nd place going to…
    IVAN KONNOV FRIDAY, 15 SEPTEMBER 2023, 21:01 AT 9:01 PM

    Looking forward to additional new contenders through the evening.
    Up votes not taken into consideration.

  6. With all those Ukes who have fled the country there must be a lot of space available in Ukraine for the enriching multicultural migrants who are so enlivening Europe these days.

  7. Ukrainian “refugees” can be killed just as easily as Ukrainian “soldiers.”

    How much shit will the civilized world eat before we’ve had enough?

    I’m way past letting these Satanic maggots get away with their Satanic maggotry.
    Sadly, I’m too old (or too lazy?) to do much about it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Why, other than the obvious benefit DC politicians receive, would we be sending American taxpayer dollars to this little man while our own problems like a crumbling infrastructure, the never ending pressure on our economy and Americans’ suffering grow daily? Why would so many politicians from both sides of the aisle make trips to Ukraine to kiss the ass of this ex-comedian? There’s only one obvious answer. Apparently our politicians are more concerned with their own enrichment than what is in the best interest of our country. Why all Americans can’t see this is beyond me.


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