*UPDATE* Fox News source reports Rosenstein has neither resigned nor been fired, for now… – IOTW Report

*UPDATE* Fox News source reports Rosenstein has neither resigned nor been fired, for now…

Is it curtains for Rod?

Rosenstein’s fate hangs in balance at White House meeting, as sources say he expects firing.

FOX News: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein arrived at the White House Monday expecting to be fired, sources told Fox News, in the wake of a report that he suggested wearing a wire against President Trump and invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office last year.

Yet speculation remains widespread over his fate.

After one initial report indicated the embattled No. 2 at DOJ had already quit, a source told Fox News he has neither resigned nor been fired as of noon. He is still deputy attorney general, for now.

He was attending a previously scheduled “Principles Committee” meeting at the White House in place of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who is still en route to Washington from Alabama.

Discussions were held over the weekend between Rosenstein and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly about the possibility of Rosenstein resigning, though a source said Rosenstein did not actually offer to resign in those talks.

Meanwhile, Rosenstein – who oversees Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election – has denied that bombshell report in The New York Times on Friday.  more info here


Original post:

Reported: Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein has resigned.

Market Watch: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, Axios reported Monday, according to a source with direct knowledge. A source said Rosenstein was “expecting to be fired” so he plans to step down. Last week Rosenstein was reported to have discussed invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office.


h/t MJA’s mom



40 Comments on *UPDATE* Fox News source reports Rosenstein has neither resigned nor been fired, for now…

  1. Does this mean another confirmation circus? I hope not, I’m running low on popcorn.
    Time for Jeffie to crawl out from under his desk and unrecuse himself an do what he was hired to do. Release the documents requested by congress and the president whom you serve at the pleasure of.
    Mr. Sessions, you’re the Attorney General of the United States of America, for Christ’s sake, start acting like it. Start getting your department compliant with the presidents legal requests or start sending out the pink slips, ya may wanna reorder some of those in bulk.
    It’s time to put an end to the Mueller fiasco which has been illegal from the start as Rosenstein did not have the authority to start a special counsel investigation. It’s been almost two years and all Muell head has come up with are old financial misdealing’s and a couple of minor perjuries, none by any presently serving politicians.
    At present your department is a joke. Is this what you intend to be what your are remembered as?
    Shit or get off the pot Jeffie.

  2. @ Nunya Bidness SEPTEMBER 24, 2018 AT 11:12 AM
    “Now he’s free to make the talk show circuit and hit all the Sunday political shows to trash Trump.”

    And just before the mid-terms! Imagine that.

  3. I agree about revoking his security clearance. grab his passport and put him on the ‘do not fly’ list too.
    he was in charge of investigating something that he was party and witness to. Nothing wrong there, huh?
    maybe they called him to the WH so he could be fitted with an ankle monitor.

  4. How in the holy heck did this feckless prick ever get to any level of importance in the government? An independent group of loyal American Citizens needs to be empaneled to investigate how so many tens of thousands of worthless AINO’s got into the government and then into positions of importance!

  5. Fox News and fox business are saying the President is going to fire his sorry ass. Andrew Napoletano is saying he definitely should not be fired.
    I used to value the judge’s opinion until I heard of his lifestyle and about his mourning the death of hisf male partner.

  6. marketwatch is infested with ignorant liberals. Their commenters are directly out of the DNC basement.

    If he resigns does he keep his pension?
    if he is fired does he lose it?

  7. Now what I am hoping for is Rosenstein to be super pissed at McCabe for throwing him under the bus. Start throwing around some payback at his former accomplices. Lefty vs lefty!. All Trump has to do is sit back and watch the house of cards start to crumble. Well sit back after the FISA docs have been released full unredacted.

  8. I don’t think President Trump would fire such a grand comedian.
    (Rosenstein claimed he was joking)

    Maybe they can get Bill Maher or Jay Mohr or that ventriloquist guy to replace him? Or (in the interest of “equality”) that black guy who can’t say a sentence without “pussy,” “muthuhfuckuh,” “whore,” or “niggah” or maybe Sarah Sliverman or that fat chick who’s obnoxious?

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Sounds to me like the media is trying to distract from something else. It couldn’t possibly be the growing awareness of the complete insanity of the Kavanaugh lynching, could it?

  10. I wrote this in another thread, but-
    if you step back and look at it,
    it is feeding time at the goldfish bowl

    (one of my ancestors said- ‘don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes’
    good advice

  11. TO jp’nt
    Normally no. *More* importantly, firing = he loses his government benefits.
    Downside of firing v resignation (just guessing here): does Trump open himself up to any sort of “obstruction” charge? I doubt it, but who knows.

  12. LOL!… It’s a leak sting. And multiple versions leaked. Rosenstein may still have a job at the end of the week, but a few mid-level leaking cretins at the DoJ won’t. Hysterical. The press are proving every day how utterly worthless they are as an information source.

  13. TOBY

    this guys were shooting muskets! Ever shot 1? My ar15 was a worthless musket. No one could hit the broad side of a barn at 150 years. No grooves in the barrel. Now my m14 – If you could not split a guy’s head at 300 yards you were Lee Harvey O – who regardless of the lies from the Press was a piss poor Jarhead and a bad shot!

    Can you believe the Press was telling lies55 years ago!?@#%!


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