Reported: Former Democratic Virginia Sen. Jim Webb considered to replace Mattis? If this is true, things just got interesting – IOTW Report

Reported: Former Democratic Virginia Sen. Jim Webb considered to replace Mattis? If this is true, things just got interesting


Former Democratic Virginia Sen. Jim Webb is reportedly being considered as a possible replacement for retiring Defense Secretary James Mattis.

According to a report from The New York Times, Webb has been approached by representatives for both Vice President Mike Pence and acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney.

Representatives for Vice President Mike Pence and Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, have reached out to Mr. Webb, one of the three officials said. Separately, a senior Defense Department official confirmed that Mr. Webb’s name had been circulating at the White House. Those two and the third official all spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the internal discussions.

Webb’s vocal opposition to the Iraq war and former President Barack Obama’s Iran Deal — along with his belief that China should be dealt with aggressively — seem to align him with much of President Donald Trump’s foreign policy. He also fails to align with the more progressive Democrats on other key issues like climate change.




SNIP: Did you hear Madam Pantsuit giggling?

I remember the left going insane after he said this. They trashed him pretty good.

14 Comments on Reported: Former Democratic Virginia Sen. Jim Webb considered to replace Mattis? If this is true, things just got interesting

  1. If President Trump wants to piss off conservatives I. Virginia he’ll pick the cowardly Jim Webb.
    Years ago a group of us were waiting outside his Senate office to hold a meeting with his chief of staff to discuss the upcoming Obamacare vote. Then Jimbo came wandering down the hallway reading a document. When he looked up and saw us, he found the closest doorway and disappeared.

    And I’m pretty sure he knuckled to Harry Reid and voted yes to o’care.

    The man is not worthy.

  2. He was a republican at one time. Personally I like the guy although I have to question why he ever became a dem. Besides he would have to b e an improvement over Mattis who agreed with Obama on gays in the military, the Paris climate deal, the Iran deal etc.

  3. Ollie North knocked him on his can back at Annapolis.

    Basically the only interesting thing about this politician is that North would get to rag on him everyday on the TV box.

  4. I remember seeing this back when it happened. My thoughts then were “what a loser”. Nothing has changed. This would be a real bad hire unless it was temporary just to throttle the Libtards.


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