Reported pediatric COVID-19 deaths plummet 24% after CDC fixes ‘coding logic error’ – IOTW Report

Reported pediatric COVID-19 deaths plummet 24% after CDC fixes ‘coding logic error’


Washington Examiner: All-time pediatric deaths from COVID-19 reported on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s COVID Data Tracker plummeted nearly 24% after the agency resolved a “coding logic error” on Wednesday.

The CDC’s COVID Data Tracker had presented a misleading impression prior to the fix that children were dying at a sharply amplified rate amid the omicron surge earlier this year. The tool had reported 1,755 all-time deaths from children ages 0 to 17 on Tuesday, with 738 of the deaths occurring during the first 10 weeks of 2022.

After CDC resolved the error, the pediatric death figure reported on its COVID Data Tracker dropped to 1,339 all-time deaths, a reduction of 23.7% from the figure reported the day prior.

“On March 15, 2022, data on deaths were adjusted after resolving a coding logic error. This resulted in decreased death counts across all demographic categories,” the data tracker said.

10 Comments on Reported pediatric COVID-19 deaths plummet 24% after CDC fixes ‘coding logic error’

  1. So, the jab death rate over coof for children gets 23% worse, the 57-ish deaths per life “saved” is more like 70 per life “saved.”. Immoral, if not downright evil, as the local media runs several PSA per day telling people to go out and get more jabs…

    CDC logic needs fixing, not just their coding. Physician, heal thyself.

  2. Largest trial to date of 1400 covid-19 patients, said ivermectin failed to reduce hospital admissions, trial also found no indication ivermectin is useful in treating covid-19 patients.

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