Reporter Files Assault Charges Against Maxine Waters – IOTW Report

Reporter Files Assault Charges Against Maxine Waters

Reporter Files Assault Charges Against Maxine Waters

Journalist Laura Loomer filed a police report accusing Congresswoman Maxine Waters of assaulting her when she did to Waters what the California Democrat urged liberals to do to Trump aides: Confront them in public.

Loomer tweeted: “I filed a police report w/Capitol Police against Maxine Waters. Yesterday when I confronted her on Capitol Hill, she ASSAULTED me. She … READ THE REST HERE

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10 Comments on Reporter Files Assault Charges Against Maxine Waters

  1. Can you imagine the scene she would cause if OC sheriffs pushed their way into her office, cuffed her & stuffed her, hopefully with a perp walk in full view of the media…..hey, I can dream, can’t I?

  2. The spittle-flecked outrage at The Root is most satisfying. But in a couple of days, a couple of capitol cops are going to lose their jobs for failing to beat down and arrest Laura. In fact, the cops may retroactively arrest Laura just to appease the psycho Brazil Nut.


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