Reporter plays Pokemon Go during a State Dept. briefing – IOTW Report

Reporter plays Pokemon Go during a State Dept. briefing

Forget ISIS! I’m on my Pokemon journey!

CainTv: We all know that, under the Obama administration, State Department briefings are pretty much worthless.  When they’re not filled with outright lies, they’re thick with spin, obfuscation, and misdirection. But, and this is an important point, if you’re a reporter covering them you should at least be paying attention.

Instead, “journalists” are spending their time playing Pokémon Go while State Department spokesman John Kirby gives his version of events.  GO

7 Comments on Reporter plays Pokemon Go during a State Dept. briefing

  1. “Most of the outlets are reporting on world events from Washington. The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”–Ben Rhodes

    Please, journos, tell me how Ben has it wrong about you.

  2. “…They literally know nothing.”

    This is true. After hearing some of the vapid spew that came from the mouths of various and sundry ‘reporters’ and ‘journalists’, I asked a sibling about these people. He has spent quite some time with them, been interviewed and questioned by them on dozens if not hundreds of occasions.

    On many subjects I value his opinions as he is not an idiot.

    He told me that these people are just perhaps the most ignorant segment of the population he has ever encountered. He went on at some length. Most of them have never held any other occupation, have no experience in any other field, and are delightfully unaware of the depths of their ignorance.

    To steal a phrase I’ve used for so long I no longer can give attribution to the proper source, as it escapes me today, they are virgins speaking of the intricacies of sex.

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