‘Reporter’ Slams Melania Trump for Not Doing ‘Her Job’ – IOTW Report

‘Reporter’ Slams Melania Trump for Not Doing ‘Her Job’

Breitbart: A reporter at the Chicago Tribune says that First Lady Melania Trump isn’t doing her “job” in a column the newspaper published this week.

Dahleen Glanton wrote:

It’s time for Melania Trump to man up.

All this taking separate motorcades and hiding out at Mar-a-Lago — at taxpayers’ expense — has gotten old.

Each day President Donald Trump’s alleged cheating saga goes on, it becomes increasingly difficult to feel sorry for his wife. We have bigger problems in America than Melania Trump’s humiliation. The first lady needs to step up and start doing her job.

That’s right. Her job.

Glanton also said in her column that because Trump is married to the president, she “campaigned hard” for the job she is not doing.

“The first lady would rather we close our eyes and give her a pass,” Glanton wrote. “She’d rather we allow her to ‘focus on being a mom,’ stepping out only for special occasions like Easter in a designer outfit to deliver baskets to sick children.”

“After more than a year watching her drift near the steps of one of the greatest platforms in the world, we still don’t know exactly what Melania Trump stands for,” Glanton wrote. “She has been so preoccupied shielding herself from her husband’s misdeeds that she has been unable to project her own identity.”

“We do have the right to know whether she is still committed to her job,” Glanton concluded, adding that the public should give Trump a “loud wake-up call.”

“She’s been sleeping on the job way too long,” Glanton wrote.

As a woman who was thrust into the political world when her husband decided to run for president, Trump has not yet come forward with a formal platform as is the traditional course for first ladies.

But in the 14 months since Donald Trump became the 45th president of the United States, Melania Trump has spoken often about her commitment to helping women, families, and children and has a list of accomplishments to that end, as Breitbart News has reported. GO SEE

30 Comments on ‘Reporter’ Slams Melania Trump for Not Doing ‘Her Job’

  1. What the fuc is wrong with the fuc DEMS fuc mooch was the fuc queen monkey 🐒 🐒🐒🐒🐒 the media never criticize her fuc monkey ass . The First Lady Melania Trump is classy doing more than mooch did The only think that mooch did was tell people what to eat and grow vegetables.

  2. Democrats are going to put all the satire sites and publications out of business. How can Mad or the Onion possibly come up with crazier stuff than comes out of the mouths of Dems?

  3. The First Lady is the wife of the president and holds no office. She has no public or constitutional duties otherwise. If she chooses to attend to her duties as a mother, no one should complain. I for one encourage her to tell the media to mind their business and F**k Off.

  4. I looked up photos of Dahleen Glanton. While she’s not as ugly as most leftist women, she still barks compared to Melania. She’s your typical leftist cow who is eaten up with jealously and self loathing.

  5. @Bob I only caught a few minutes of Rush’s show today, but a woman called in and reminded us all of ‘The Man Show’. Adam Carolla and Jimmy Kimmel’s show in the late 90’s and early 2000’s of women bouncing on trampolines, etc. I remember watching it. Funny in snatches (pun intended). It still amazes me that liberal history spans from a day ago yesterday.

  6. I will be proud of our First lady to continue to be the mother she’s been, an elegant First Lady at formal functions, and I look forward to her meeting with Foreign dignitaries and their spouses in their own language (since she speaks 5 of them). Oh, and I love her accent. And continue to thank God on religious holidays ( I think that drives the press nuts).

  7. I always like looking up profiles and pictures of these losers. Sometimes I link them. But it’s to close to dinnertime to link this one.
    Like my mother always use to say, Consider the source.

  8. Woah..full stop! No lib has any business bitching about separate motorcade or anything else at taxpayer expense after the outright taxpayer rape delivered by the lib Goeth golden child of the previous admin and his “wife” via separate vacations, etc.

  9. Someone should tweet him that Bess Truman stayed in Missouri for nearly the entire Truman administration. She never adopted a “platform” of her own.

    It’s no sense in arguing with writers like this. Their aim is disinformation.

  10. “not as ugly”, even steven you are being WAY too kind. Her face wouldn’t stop a train but it would certainly turn it around. And if that didn’t work, her mindless blather would.

  11. Clanton doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Her problem is she’s black, ugly, and stupid; Melania is White,
    beautiful, and intelligent. That’s Clanton’s only problem.

  12. I love the quiet dignity of Melania. It’s nice to have a First Lady who doesn’t berate or hate you for not doing or being A, B or C.

    Haters gonna hate I guess.

  13. …and I’ll say it, again!

    Until the media realizes their blood gets added to the mix when SHTF, they have no “incentive” to stop! Let a hand full of them “accidently” get “shot dead while using an ATM…or grocery shopping…or walking their dogs” over say, a 24 hour period…they’ll stop!
    Bet your asses they will!
    A dozen or so of their 2nd tier personalities have “issues” and they’ll join NRA tomorrow!
    They’ll start shooting each other to buy guns…BET!

  14. As for Mrs Trump…her hubbies POTUS, THE most powerful MAN in the world, politically, AND he’s a BILLIONAIRE a couple times over?

    WTF is Mrs. Trump’s “job”? What?
    And WHY the F would she even want one, its not required…man, these lefties are some low life mother fuckers!

    Paybacks coming, though…

  15. Unlike her predecessor, she’s not an arrogant, meddling bitch and seems to be content with keeping out of the limelight and letting the guy we elected do his job – we like that.

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