Reporter Takes Photo Record of Migrants Leaving Filth & Disease – IOTW Report

Reporter Takes Photo Record of Migrants Leaving Filth & Disease

IS: There are well over 6,000 Central American migrants camped out in Tijuana, Mexico, but with overcrowding and torrential rains heading in, city officials were forced to herd them onto buses to take them to another shelter about 15 miles further away from the border.

Some refused to leave because they want to stay close to the border, the San Diego Union Tribune reported.

Reports say the migrants were conned by leaders, but the con, according to many, was that they could come into the country illegally with ease.

About 2,267 migrants are being treated for health issues, ranging from respiratory infections, tuberculosis, chickenpox and other serious issues. Over 100 were reported to have lice and other skin infections.


As they were moved out, clothes and trash were left behind. Much that was left behind was given to them for free. This is exactly what they have been doing along the route to the border as we reported.

They don’t appear grateful and they leave their filth behind for their benefactors to clean up. The migrants and drug cartels leave our border filled with filth also.

Fox reporter Kyle Rothenberg took video.

13 Comments on Reporter Takes Photo Record of Migrants Leaving Filth & Disease

  1. I find the KARMA almost too sweet to endure…..ALMOST!

    These POS losers have been inflicting this upon the USA for DECADES, but it is only a problem now that THEY have to suffer…. welcome to what your POS country has earned and I hope you get to suffer this way twice as long as we have so that your people will NEVER allow this again.

  2. You can’t fool me with these fake photos. That picture is either from “Occupy Wall Street” or from that camp in N. Dak. when those fools were protesting the pipeline.

  3. They want to have these people replace the Americans who have a gathering and leave the location cleaner than they found it.

    Except the rich kids (often newly, sometimes old money) who often have blow out parties that leaves everything a mess.

    “eports say the migrants were conned by leaders, but the con, according to many, was that they could come into the country illegally with ease. ”

    Easy Peasey!

    No productivity.

    There may be some workers in there, but as a whole they are a drain wherever they are. They need to gain their own responsibility and abilities in their own nations, and make them better, even if includes doing a 1776 in their country when they become competent enough.
    Now they are merely cannon fodder being pushed into the USA as has been done for the last 60+ years in order to clog up our entire system enough that we are destroyed or able to be destroyed by our enemies. “They” (many groups including globalists, Muslims, La Raza types) have done a pretty good job in that time. This all has been planned and is by design.
    Their nations need to be built up where they are.
    we cannot shine the light of Freedom and Liberty upon the world when we are destroyed, as so many intend. We must not fundamentally change our nation. We must undo those changes intended to fundamentally change our nation.
    We must continue . It is for our benefit, and the future benefit of the world. Others must follow our lead, so we must succeed and win.

  4. The 21st C. version of cultural Marxism preaches the innate superiority of the darker-skinned brothers and sisters. In every way darker is better than white. Curious and hypocritical aspects to the Left’s ideology is that only America is a nation founded by conquest and theft — land, treasure and lives — from the “natives”, yet now they champion conquest and theft — and acts of murder and violence — by dark-skinned non-natives the world over, and especially against America. In their twisted, dishonest dogma are they justifying pay back or is this simply another example of Marxism’s veiled exploitation of people for the sake of attaining more power and wealth? I hope I run into a Lefty this week so that I can make this argument. Shouldn’t be too hard in Seattle. I hope it’s a pencil-necked, sunken-chested soy boy. They are so easy to hang on their own petard.

  5. One of the hardest things in the world to pull off is to make Tijuana more filthy and smelly than it is. The 6,000 migrants should collectively be honored by the Guinness Book of Records for doing the impossible. Admirable.

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