Reporter who got driver suspended for liking meme suggests NASCAR fans are ‘toothless hicks’ – IOTW Report

Reporter who got driver suspended for liking meme suggests NASCAR fans are ‘toothless hicks’

PM: Daniel McFadin, the journalist that reported on Noah Gragson for liking a meme that led to the NASCAR driver being suspended, has come under fire for liking a post that called fans angry with the action “toothless hicks.” 

In response to the suspension of Gragson, many NASCAR fans took to Twitter, now known as X, to vent their frustrations. When one person defended McFadin’s reporting calling NASCAR fans “toothless hicks” McFadin liked the tweet.  more

19 Comments on Reporter who got driver suspended for liking meme suggests NASCAR fans are ‘toothless hicks’

  1. Not a “reporter”. Not even a “journalist”.
    Instead, a “propagandist”, or a “presstitute”.

  2. He looks soy filled.

    He must have never done anything dumb in his entire life.
    I’d tell him, he who is without sin cast the first stone.
    But I’m not on X and he wouldn’t get it.

  3. …and he’s a toothpick dick.

    He’s just jealous because his two mommies make him drive a 1984 Volvo or they won’t cover his insurance.

    (There’s nothing wrong with 1984 Volvos, it’s just that he wants a Subaru.)

  4. Wish Michael Jordan or Brad Daugherty would respond considering McFaggin is lumping all nascar fans as “white only.” If one of them did, you can bet that faggot would drop that liked tweet in a heartbeat.

  5. Some good citizen needs to do a deep dive into Danny boy.
    The ones who screech the loudest usually have an interesting past, with a lot they want to keep hidden.
    Start holding their feet to the fire..then turn the flame up to high.

  6. So McFadin’s a snitch. What’s that saying? Oh yeah…

    Snitches get stitches.

    Watch your back, Danny Boy. Some of those “toothless hicks” got a mean streak in ’em.

  7. NASCAR fans are just like him – ineffectual soy-boys.
    After all, he was “following” a NASCAR driver, wasn’t he?
    Probably unrequited love – he gets his sustenance from the meat faucet.

    After all the insults from NASCAR, I’m pretty sure the toothless hicks have found better things to do with their time.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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