Reporters are frustrated that Biden’s team refuses questions – IOTW Report

Reporters are frustrated that Biden’s team refuses questions


Joe Biden has not even been sworn in yet as president and it appears the honeymoon may be over for some journalists.

Members of the press were reportedly triggered by the Biden team’s handling of questions at a weekly briefing on Friday as they were unable to pose any questions about the controversy surrounding Hunter Biden. In addition, the Democrat’s transition team reportedly limited the number of reporters posing questions, deliberately ignoring those who could be critical, according to Fox News.

In a Zoom briefing held on Friday, Biden officials were off the hook in responding to any questions about the former vice president’s son and his foreign business dealings. The call came just days after Hunter Biden had revealed in a statement released by the transition team that he was being investigated by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware over his “tax affairs.” read more

29 Comments on Reporters are frustrated that Biden’s team refuses questions

  1. Hey, media creatures – get with the program. You’re fake as the 8 years you covered Obama and the 4 years you slammed Trump have proven. You promoted Biden’s candidacy, hid his family dirt and Joe’s own failing capacity, and despite people coming forward with claims of voter fraud (under oath in many instances), there is no press investigation other than propagandists like little Georgy screaming “no fraud.”

    Whoever is pulling Biden’s strings will tell you what you need to report. You guys gave up any pretense of journalistic integrity a long time ago.

  2. …and the honeymoon IS over, now that its time to ditch Joe and elevate an unchallengable minority again, but this time they can shut you up with both “RACIST!” AND “SEXIST!”…

  3. The Press is getting what they asked for; all thru the campaign Biden either had a “lid”put on him by 10 a.m., or refused to answer questions. You, the Press, either ignored it or otherwise let him get away with that behavior. NOW you expect him to answer your questions? Cry me a river.

  4. The press knows what they are doing, as SNS said above. They didn’t ask Biden questions so no one would have to face that it is incompetent. They dragged (and cheated) him across the finish line and now they want to set him up to be removed so Comma-lah can ascend (though she won’t be in charge anyway).

  5. The press is upset that he will not answer their incisive questions such as: did you forgive the dog that tripped you? What flavor ice cream do you and the doctor enjoy most? Why is Hunter hounded by the right wing fanatics?

  6. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, so that’s what they voted for. Silence and curtains as to what he’s up to, unless his puppet masters direct him to speak.

  7. “unable to pose any questions about the controversy surrounding Hunter Biden.”

    So the pretender-elect won’t answer your questions. When did you members of the press lose their magical ability to make shit up? This is Xiden we’re talking about here, so it’s not like any answer you get will have any connection to reality anyway.

  8. The party bosses are preparing to get rid of Biden. They’ll still have to wait until he and Commie-La take office, but the word is going out. Why do you think journalists are suddenly taking an interest in Hunter’s shenanigans again?


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