Reports: County clerk in Michigan reviewing ‘apparently skewed result’ that may have given Dems thousands of votes intended for Trump & John James – IOTW Report

Reports: County clerk in Michigan reviewing ‘apparently skewed result’ that may have given Dems thousands of votes intended for Trump & John James

Twitchy: Michigan is a state that remains in the “too close to call” category, and in Antrim County, which is just northeast of Traverse City, the results didn’t seem right to some people compared to how the county voted in 2016.

The situation is being looked into, according to the county clerk’s office. more

9 Comments on Reports: County clerk in Michigan reviewing ‘apparently skewed result’ that may have given Dems thousands of votes intended for Trump & John James

  1. There is a story about ballots being rejected in Arizona due to the use of Sharpie markers. Guess what they gave us here in SE Michigan for the first time ever to mark our ballots with on election day? Yep, Sharpies. I even questioned a poll worker about it as I noticed bleed through to the other side of the ballot.

  2. Magic markers, ha. Here we had electric voting machine with touch screens. To keep people from touching the screen and perhaps thereby spreading corona virus we were supposed to use Q-tips.

    Problem was they just had a pile of 12 or so Q-tips on the table next to the box. Which were repeatedly used. If they really wanted that idea to work everyone should have been given a new Q-tip to be thrown away after they voted. [However, in practice it was probably no worse than touching the door handle to enter the building]

  3. My polling place used sharpie-type pens. I wasn’t too pleased, but the machine said the ballot was successfully accepted.

    Now, I think my vote didn’t count.

    God, shine your brilliant light of Truth on the fraud that the left is trying to pull off in the darkness of MSM silence and boarded up windows. Let it be seen by everyone for the true ugliness it is.


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