Reports: Dominion Machines Breaking Down in Several Georgia GOP Precincts; Voters Told Workers Will Scan Ballots Later – IOTW Report

Reports: Dominion Machines Breaking Down in Several Georgia GOP Precincts; Voters Told Workers Will Scan Ballots Later

GP: Georgia radio host John Fredricks said several voters in Republican precincts called his show Tuesday morning and told him that they were unable to cast their votes in the state’s runoff election due to malfunctions by Dominion machines. The callers said workers at the polls told them to put their ballots in a box, telling them their ballots would be scanned later.

Fredericks spoke about the problems reported by voters during an appearance on Steve Bannon’s War Room Pandemic.

Gabriel Sterling announced a problem in Columbia County, “Some issues in Columbia Co. There was a programming error on security keys for some locations scanners & pollworker cards. Voting continues on backup emergency ballots. Newly programmed keys&cards are being taken to locations via law enforcement.” more here

ht nunyo Bidness

27 Comments on Reports: Dominion Machines Breaking Down in Several Georgia GOP Precincts; Voters Told Workers Will Scan Ballots Later

  1. A definition of insanity, is doing the same thing over and over again, then expecting a different result.
    Georgia’s election system is absolutely corrupt. Nothing has changed since Nov. 3, 2020.

  2. Another Red state purchases a multi-million dollar “voting” system and turns Blue right after a smooth implementation… Even the Blind can see the steal plain as day. *sigh*


  3. No, the machines aren’t “breaking down.” That would imply the machines will be thrown away as trash because they are broken. Not a chance, they will be used again in the future because they are doing exactly as instructed.

  4. Who would have been able to for see this event happening? PDT had already planned on this eventuality. How clever of the Dimwits to only have it happen in GoPee areas. Hillary must have had a part of this. he execution is so stupid!!!!

  5. “The callers said workers at the polls told them to put their ballots in a box, telling them their ballots would be scanned later.” All the people who had this happen to them should be assured that their votes were counted. Every one of them.

    This bullshit and fraud can’t continue. They all should get together and start a lawsuit against the officials responsible. If it happened here in California (and maybe it has), I would do that.

  6. I would not have left my vote alone. I would have either sat down with it or with the box they placed it in. If enough people did that maybe they would get the machines “fixed.”

  7. Something I noticed about the scanners was that when I went to scan my ballot at the Presidential election, there was a guy at the scanner crowding me and making sure I put the ballot on the scanner in a very particular way, i know he could see who I voted for.

    This time, there was no worker anywhere near the scanner, and the woman collecting cards said it didn’t matter how you put the ballot in the scanner: right side up or down, top first or bottom first, it didn’t matter. Weird.

  8. @Kcir @Brad

    I have a Rand McNally Road Atlas so I can plan the entire route, as Brad was saying. They are convenient for that.

    I first saw them back in the late 1950’s and bought them almost every year. I am what may be referred to as a highway nut. The Interstate System is phenomenal, and every year I could see its progress in the new Road Atlas. In the late 1950’s the longest expanse of controlled access highway was the New York State Thruway which became, I think, the Tri-State Parkway when it entered Pennsylvania, then on through Ohio and Indiana and terminating in Chicago. Every year you could see the Interstate network getting bigger in the Atlas.

    They used to call a lot of major controlled access highways “parkways”. Why, I don’t know. People don’t use them to park on. Beats me.

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