Reports: Donald Trump and Steve Bannon Eager to Block Mitt Romney Senate Campaign in Utah – IOTW Report

Reports: Donald Trump and Steve Bannon Eager to Block Mitt Romney Senate Campaign in Utah

How ’bout them apples?

Breitbart: President Donald Trump wants to prevent former failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney from running for the Senate, according to a report from Politico.

Trump’s coziness with Orrin Hatch and the senator’s refusal to rule out a re-election bid is frustrating Romney allies, who want the former Never Trump leader to go to Washington D.C.

The president is traveling with current Sen. Orrin Hatch to Utah on Monday to announce his decision to roll back the size of former President Barack Obama’s last-minute designation of two national monuments in Utah. Trump will also meet with Mormon leaders in Utah with Hatch by his side.

A source close to Breitbart News chairman Steve Bannon told the Washington Examiner that he would absolutely consider backing Hatch.

“If Steve had a choice between Orrin Hatch and Mitt Romney, he would pick Hatch 10 times out of 10,” the source said.

27 Comments on Reports: Donald Trump and Steve Bannon Eager to Block Mitt Romney Senate Campaign in Utah

  1. Hey MoBo, you had your chance and failed, go back to your church, your magic underwear and your money, nobody wants you around leadership, you have proven you haven’t the ability.

  2. A few years ago, I was listening to a radio station where the host was just going off on why the hell Harry Reid won the senate race again. He was screaming about the Mormons who voted for Reid simply because he’s Mormon. He demanded listeners call the show and explain why in their own words, they voted for Reid. People did call in crying and confessing. They HAD to. He’s Mormon like them! Even though they don’t like him, think he’s a creep, he was a mob lawyer, blah blah blah, doesn’t matter. He’s a Mormon. FFS!

    Let me ask Mormons (and those from any other religion) a question. Is voting for a person for the sole reason you have the same faith more important than your own free will that God gave you?
    Is it more important to support the ‘brand’ than it is to turn away from an evil person within your ‘brand’?
    Religion is your service to God, not for service of your clique.

  3. That shit always bothers me. When a religion turns away from God’s word and Jesus’ teachings, they eventually make some random guy the leader of their religion. Which then becomes a cult. We don’t need more islams.

  4. It is not entirely a question of religion. Many Democrat candidates in Utah and surrounding states are also active members of the LDS Church. Bro. Mitt is not as popular here as he may think, though he does have a lot of momentum. I would prefer another candidate and will support a reasonable alternative but I will vote for Bro. Mitt over any Democrat, if that is the choice on the ballot.

    I can’t say what other Mormons think, but I have been to enough Republican conventions in this state to know that we do not speak as one voice when it comes to politics. Most will not hesitate to vote for the better candidate, regardless of religious affiliation (though Mayor Biskupski’s activist antics, post-election, may sour people on that). I am sure that if the Republican Party of Nevada had run a decent candidate against Reid, he would have been gone much earlier.

  5. For some reason I cannot fathom, Orrin Hatch has been following me on twitter for years. If he is teaming up with My President to thwart Mittens’ Ambitions, that shows me he is all right, or at least deserving of a return follow.
    Mitt is awful.

  6. “I am sure that if the Republican Party of Nevada had run a decent candidate against Reid, he would have been gone much earlier.”

    No, there have been better candidates, but we not only have the religious aspect to deal with, we have voter fraud and SEIU to deal with, plus Reid’s cancerous family in politics on top of it. I’m not clowning you as a Mormon, I’m clowning the Mormons who admitted they hated Reid but voted for him anyway because, Mormon. Same goes for the Jews who vote because, Jew and the blacks who vote simply because, black. It’s infuriating.

  7. MJA, being a Christian is not a factor that I’d consider to vote for someone. In fact, if a candidate used that in order to get votes, I would think twice before voting for him or her.

    There are many so called Christians who wouldn’t get my vote at all. In other hand, I wouldn’t vote for a Muslim for anything.

  8. MJA- all the Mormons I know, and I know more than a few and probably less than alot, every single one of them hates Reid. Is embarrassed by Reid wonders why Reid has not been excommunicated. As I don’t live in Nevada I can’t speak for what is going on there. I just know here in Colorado the Mormons here would have voted him out of office if their vote was enough to make or break it.

    I may know one Mormon who would have voted for him but he is a Harvard Law grad so he had libtard issues. But I’m not tight with him so I don’t know for sure.

    Just an FYI.

  9. Bannon is doing a good job so far in scaring the crap out of the GOP squidges going into 2018 but he needs to step up his efforts because time is running out. They need good, solid candidates to challenge incumbant Republicans who have shown they don’t have what it takes to run an honest Republic with a government that is truly answerable to the people. Romney needs to be gutted and left in the middle of the road for all to see.

  10. Mitt’s just like his dad, who ran American Motors into the ground. Mitt likes to talk about organizing a successful Olympics. Hell, I thought the athletes won the medals, not some back-office paper pushing bastard.

  11. Scr_north,

    We need good candidates for all 33 seats up for election. I think it is possible to knock off 8-10 demonrat senators in 2018. That would be MAGA!

    We conservatives need to up our game. 2016 was just the start.

  12. Being a Utah resident (but not a native), I say NO to both Mittster and Hatch.
    Hatch has been in office for over 30 years, and is a wishy washy RINO GOPe.
    Mittster has no spine, and is a wishy washy RINO DildoCrat.
    We “primaried” out Bennett, hopefully we can find a suitably conservative candidate to primary Hatch.

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