Does it keep her out of the country?
Will John McCain retire in exchange?

Cindy McCain is set to take on a new job in President Trump’s State Department.
The wife of Arizona Senator John McCain has been in talks for the position as U.S. ambassador for human rights.
Reports say President Trump pursued her aggressively for the job, and at least one White House official said it is a done deal now.
The pick sparks interest since both Cindy and John McCain were outspoken critics of the president.
Cindy is known for her work in human rights issues.
Daily Caller said it’s a done deal.
Cindy McCain agreed to join the Trump administration Tuesday after months of turning down offers from President Donald Trump.
Trump has reportedly been trying to convince McCain, the wife of Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain, to join the Trump administration for several months. Trump and McCain have agreed on an ambassador position focused on anti human trafficking efforts, refugees, and humanitarian-aid issues. The title is not yet official but a White House source told Daily Beast Tuesday, that the title “U.S. ambassador-at-large for human rights,” is likely.
So what’s the angle? What’s Cindy’s new job about? To keep McCain’s pudding-hole shut so that it doesn’t threaten Cindy’s job?
I’m not a fan of any of this.
From what I’ve seen about her, unlike her POS father,
she’s a conservative.
Probably the same idea as having Elaine Chao serve as Transportation Secretary to make McConnell less likely to rock the boat. “Ambassador at large” just gives Cindy a fancy title with no duties or power. If she starts yammering about her H8 campaign stuff, Trump will have to relieve her of the title.
The win/win part of this is that Cindy can jet around the world with her younger boyfriend while John can stay home and get plenty of cuddle time with his own boy toy, Lindsey.
She has agreed to forego a salary if compensated with roofies.
Has she stopped with the pill popping? 340 million people in this country and yet the spouses of politicians get these nice perks because, well, why exactly?
Awkward moment “Cindy I expect loyalty…Cindy?…Oh Cindy?”
Pretty generous of this administration to consider a person on merit and not the spouting off for the press.
But who’s going to tend to John’s drool buckets?
Cindy is McCain’s wife.
Does this position give her access to opioids like her last foray into working for human rights?
What? You mean filling positions with gag worthy ugly fat old hags, like Clinton and Obama did, is no longer fashionable?
@ MM, thanks for correcting my dumb ass. I thought it was
his daughter.