Reports say Louisiana mayor prohibits Nike purchases for recreational programs – IOTW Report

Reports say Louisiana mayor prohibits Nike purchases for recreational programs

FOX: A Louisiana mayor reportedly banned his city’s recreation programs from purchasing Nike products in the wake of an ad campaign featuring former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

Mayor Ben Zahn, of Kenner, signed a memo last week that states that “[u]nder no circumstances” can any Nike apparel or equipment be “purchased for use or delivery” at any recreation facilities in the city.

“Effective immediately all purchases made by any booster club operating at any Kenner Recreation Facility for wearing apparel, shoes, athletic equipment and/or any athletic product must be approved by the Director of Parks and Recreation, or his designee,” the memo added.  more

9 Comments on Reports say Louisiana mayor prohibits Nike purchases for recreational programs

  1. Sarg 524

    I said this would happen 3 days ago. Nike has been anti America since ’78. All of my friends were aware of this. Most of us said no more Nike. Some of my friends said Nike is right “Amerincas are bad folk. We need “A kinder gentler America” as the America haters said. and they bought more.
    Proior to ’15 folk that bought name brand “athletic” gear and NFL fans were 2 very different groups ; with a small overlap. Group 1 tended to hate America; group 2 tended to love America. Since ’15 many in group 2 have been made aware of Goodell’s hatred of America. NFL viewers have been on a 3 year decline; same with ticket sales.

    Can you name the man who noticed Goodell’s America hate?

    Hint GWB and his friend Obama hate him.

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