Representative Byron Donalds Tells Townhall Audience an Important Point – IOTW Report

Representative Byron Donalds Tells Townhall Audience an Important Point

CTH: Representative Byron Donalds (MAGA – SWFL) brings an important point to the audience at a local townhall.  The issue of institutional corruption, and the total lack of faith and confidence in the institutions of our government, are at the forefront of the electorate.  Representative Donald’s is challenged about the intent of the MAGA republican legislators and what must be done about the transparency of corruption we all witness and know to exist.

During his response, Donalds notes a key distinction.  The MAGA coalition saw what the 2010 Tea Party conservatives went through. The MAGA coalition saw and sees what President Trump has gone through.  The MAGA coalition is delivering a message to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and others, that those who stand on the principles of anti-corrupt influence are not concerned with the perks, benefits, affluence and legislative influence that DC uses to diminish their opposition. WATCH:

4 Comments on Representative Byron Donalds Tells Townhall Audience an Important Point

  1. The next time I am in DC, can someone please tell me where The Tea Party is buried so I can pay my respects and reminisce about a time when people actually cared about fiscal responsibility, lowering taxes, shrinking the size of government, and balancing budgets?

    Donalds is one of the good guys but until more (many more) Representatives feel similar urgency in restoring justice and confidence in our clearly corrupt institutions, he is just whistling past the graveyard. Action is now required, not words.


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