Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene Has a Message for GOP Peers in Congress – IOTW Report

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene Has a Message for GOP Peers in Congress


Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has taken a lot of flak from the leftist movement for her refusal to back-down amid their attacks.  Unfortunately, MTG is also under attack from GOPe quislings in congress.  Today she outlined a message to those GOP peers.

I dedicate this thread to my GOP Colleagues:

The headline of this article should read, “Marjorie Cares About The People Not The Politicians And Refuses To Join The Swamp.”

I didn’t get voted into office by politicians, I serve The People. MORE

10 Comments on Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene Has a Message for GOP Peers in Congress

  1. “When the Government fears the people there is Liberty”. Truer words. The outrage of the perceived violence at the Capital building by every politician is telling. What would John Wayne do?

  2. She is an absolute gem. There are half a dozen others that aren’t too bad. The rest are just con men. But she’s wasting her time trying to change their minds.
    They are irredeemable. We need new people. And that is the sad part because it is not going to happen.

  3. “There is enemy to the front, enemy to the back, and enemy on both flanks, we got them right where we want them”. [paraphrasing]

    Chesty Puller, the most decorated Marine in history.


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