Representative Ron DeSantis calls BS on Gowdy’s claim about the FBI ‘protecting’ candidate Donald Trump – IOTW Report

Representative Ron DeSantis calls BS on Gowdy’s claim about the FBI ‘protecting’ candidate Donald Trump

“That is not normal”

h/t Conservative Tree House.

21 Comments on Representative Ron DeSantis calls BS on Gowdy’s claim about the FBI ‘protecting’ candidate Donald Trump

  1. The video by The Great One about Trey shows the reason for his turn around; his new bright red Ferrari worth about a quarter million. I googled news about this and found nothing…the MSM attitude is “move along citizen, nothing to see here”.

  2. the deep state did this because they all knew hillary was unelectable.

    they used the only tools they had in their tool box to try to swing it her way.

    the only one who did not know hillary was unelectable was hillary herself.

  3. As a patriotic citizen of the Palmetto State, I hang my head in shame and offer apologies.
    The little asshole isn’t running for reelection, I can’t even campaign against him, curse the luck.
    What a profound gasbag he turned out to be.
    Hey Rooster, don’t bother to come home, you haven’t one here anymore.
    Feckless cunt !

  4. Here’s the deal: The light loafered lightworker and his minions had control of the FBI, CIA, USDOJ &c for eight years. The Chicago Democrat machine has demonstrated what they are capable, if you are not aware look at what they pulled to get the bastard elected to the Illinois Senate and you can rest assured that they had the goods on John Roberts for whatever it is that he wanted to take to the grave with him.

    Trey Gowdy is nothing but a blow hard. True that. But you can bet the farm that during the time they had control of the entire intelligence apparatus they were gathering information and cataloguing it on each and every individual they thought that such info would come in handy in the future on. I can guarantee you that they have a record of every time Gowdy took a piss between 2009 and 2016 and did not wash his hands afterward.

    They Obamites do not need to threaten Gowdy, Gowdy knows exactly what they are capable of and he also knows that they know what it is that he never wants to get out to the public or it would ruin him…. and it must be a doozy.

    The Obama legacy is all they have now and protecting that legacy is all important to them.

    The only logical explanation for his screwball pronouncement of late is: Gowdy is obviously very seriously compromised. Nothing else makes any sense.

  5. Gowdy–not “Gladys”, autocorrect–exonerated Hillary of Benghazi crimes just before Comey exonerated her for her secret server crimes. He was the Rinse to Comey’s Spin. He let Hillary turn the Benghazi hearings into a victory lap and a campaign tout for her stamina.

    The same media that is fawning all over him today was mocking him gleefully two years ago for coming up empty on Benghazi. Bought off, sold out, compromised…it doesn’t matter. Gladys is going to hate his new masters and the person he’s become.

  6. Despite all the noise and rumors I see little indication that we can expect much in the way of any massive takedown of the swamp dwellers. Riddles from “Q” and others have kept us anticipating major action any day now. The “any day” has turned to weeks and months and still very little is happening. I’ve tempered my expectations to keep my disappointment manageable but I still hope for the best. Hope I’m wrong.
    It’s no surprise why anyone good that comes along in elected office leaves after a couple of years in disgust.

  7. @organgrinder


    They say that there is a silver lining to every cloud, maybe the good that will come out of this is that we will have a better sense of the character of quite a few of the swamp dwellers whose reputation was squeaky clean up til now, we may not find out what it is that they did that would ruin them if it ever got out, but you can bet the farm it was so bad that they cannot risk the public finding out about it.

    Ya’ wanna know who ain’t fraid of the dirty motherfuckers? Our ol’ friend The Donald. If they had anything on him they would have used it by now.

  8. @Thirdtwin June 1, 2018 at 10:37 am

    “Trust Sessions”

    “Trust Wray”


    Such cynicism!

    There is still the possibility that these “matters” might be noted in their permanent records. Their PERMANENT records!

    And if the great Blue Wave cleanses our glorious land (Please Be Uniparty Hacks), while being peachified the Orange Furor might even try to lock them up! Think about the domestic partners! Forced to shuffle around this house, alone. Needing to hitch a ride on a friend’s jet, just to go pick up the checks, that just keep coming to the other houses’ addresses. Forced to keep slaving at no show jobs, to keep the second income flowing, while SO is in the concentration camp. At least until the peapole be free at last, free at last, thank Nanny Pelosi we’s be free at last!

  9. I took a lot of flak from conservative friends for saying long ago that he talks big but he never does anything. I was sick of his act a long time ago and saw him for what he was.


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