Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) Questions Transportation Secretary Pete Butticheeks About EV Goals without Energy Grid to Support Them – IOTW Report

Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) Questions Transportation Secretary Pete Butticheeks About EV Goals without Energy Grid to Support Them

Good point. But I don’t think the male AOC, Mayor Peter understood the point Massie was trying to make.
Maybe if he explained it to him this way: People can’t afford to wait in line all day for one glory hole.
Story here.

15 Comments on Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) Questions Transportation Secretary Pete Butticheeks About EV Goals without Energy Grid to Support Them

  1. Fundamental Transformation is hard to sell when none of the salesmen possess even a smidgen of credibility. Good to see this confrontation between Common Sense and Nonsense. It’s going to get much better after the Midterm Elections in 107 days.

  2. None of the people in this administration has had a real job in the private sector. Not one.

    Let’s say I have an EV, not to mention that I would have to hire an electrician so that I could charge it. That would be pricey, on top of the immense cost of acquiring such a vehicle.

    But now I need to drive from Virginia to my ailing father in law in Kansas. With a range of 250 miles where do I plug in? And how long does the recharge take?

    Honestly. These are the dumbest people to ever walk the planet.

  3. Well, if you can’t pony up for a new EV and fast charge station you’re just a peasant and don’t need to travel any further than your job. Get used to it, it’s the new normal.

  4. Mandate all you want
    Declare all you want

    None of what you
    declare or mandate
    will come to reality

    None of this conforms to reality
    yet we’re supposed to think it must
    when it doesn’t

    When will the climate idiots face reality
    when will they face that NO scientific truth
    backs up ANYTHING they’re claiming!

    It’s too bad they’re at the bottom of the cesspool
    But they are
    And they have put themselves there!

  5. Electric “vehicles”.

    “The Grid” (singular).

    Is the point. The objective. You (peasant) can not afford sufficient generation to charge “your” vehicle. You can not be sufficiently Green to be allowed sufficient generation to charge “your” vehicle.

    You “need” to pay higher rent to somebody else’s Grid. To “build up”, at your expense, so you can pay even higher rent to use, somebody else’s Grid. For your own good.

  6. The rabbit asked the wise owl how he could avoid being cold all winter.
    The wise owl thought about it and said: “Fly south.”

    The rabbit exclaimed: “But I haven’t any wings!”
    The wise owl replied: “I gave you the solution, you work out the details.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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