Republican congresswoman to introduce legislation to grant asylum to Canadian freedom protesters persecuted by Trudeau – IOTW Report

Republican congresswoman to introduce legislation to grant asylum to Canadian freedom protesters persecuted by Trudeau

PM: Following Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s crackdown on citizens in Ottawa protesting COVID-19 restrictions, Republican Rep. Yvette Herrell (R-NM) compared Trudeau’s actions to “an authoritarian regime like Venezuela” and said she plans to introduce legislation to grant asylum to Canadian freedom protesters. more

15 Comments on Republican congresswoman to introduce legislation to grant asylum to Canadian freedom protesters persecuted by Trudeau

  1. Good for her. Repub virtue signalling. The House is controlled by socialists.

    Remember how the Sebate repubs voted to repeal Obama care every week when they weren’t in power under Obama? Trump gets elected, they are in power, and nobody brings it up again.

    Fuck them, fuck them all and the horse they rode in on.

  2. Well, isn’t that special.

    I’d be much more impressed to see her aggressively front and center, 24-7, addressing the violation of Constitutional Rights for the American political prisoners unlawfully held in the U.S. Doing so, by both herself and fellow congresscritters, would have much more of an impact on the crazy up north, than this little bit of theater fluff.

    That would telegraph a resolve of will and forthcoming sanctions, but, oh well…


  3. The desperate acts of Trudeau last week remind me of accounts of the 1905 uprising in Russia, when Tsar Nicholas sent in his mounted police to break up the demonstration. They broke it up by trampling people to death. It was reenacted I believe in the movie Dr. Zhivago.


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