Republican Denver Riggleman up 10 points in Virginia – IOTW Report

Republican Denver Riggleman up 10 points in Virginia


Republican Denver Riggleman is leading Democrat Leslie Cockburn by 10 points in Virginia’s 5th Congressional District race, according to an internal GOP campaign poll out Friday.

Mr. Riggleman led Ms. Cockburn, 49 percent to 39 percent, according to the poll, portions of which were described to The Washington Times by a GOP official.

The numbers are undoubtedly a welcome sign for Republican officials, as the survey came back just days after the House GOP leadership-aligned Congressional Leadership Fund released its first TV ad of the race.

“Sabato’s Crystal Ball,” a political forecasting newsletter based out of the University of Virginia — which sits in the 5th District — also moved the race from “leans Republican” to “toss-up” just this week.  more here

5 Comments on Republican Denver Riggleman up 10 points in Virginia

  1. Republican ‘Denver Riggleman’ of Virginia Is beating a COCKBURN?,,,,,Lord, let me be worthy of this humor….I promise to only touch myself when I gots to pee…..LOLOL


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