Republican Gov. Sarah Huckabee Announces Efforts Underway to End State Income Tax – IOTW Report

Republican Gov. Sarah Huckabee Announces Efforts Underway to End State Income Tax

In Arkansas they took an ax, and gave the tax rate another whack; the governor said after this latest one, she’ll keep cutting until the taxing is done.

16 Comments on Republican Gov. Sarah Huckabee Announces Efforts Underway to End State Income Tax

  1. What they need to do away with is political gluttony where they take a little here and a little there (no one will notice) until it erupts into a mushroom cloud of Grand Theft and run-away debt!

  2. The key is to cut spending first; then the impending surplus leads to tax cuts. But always the focus on reining in costs – with surplus cash it’s easy to look for ways to spend it rather than return it to its rightful owners.
    I imagine that Huckabee administration has taken steps in that regard as well.

  3. π™‹π™§π™šπ™¨π™žπ™™π™šπ™£π™© π™Žπ™–π™§π™–π™ 𝙃π™ͺπ™˜π™ π™–π™—π™šπ™š.

    There. My day is complete.

  4. while this is great news for the people of Arkansas, her real achievement is the LEARNS act. it has the teachers union and democrats apoplectic.

  5. LCD, Queen Gretch of Michigan came into office with a multi million dollar surplus. Did the taxpayers see any of that?


    It was spent on giving perks to businesses who then turned around and funded her re election campaign and other ‘gifts’.

  6. LCD, that was amazing. She is very well-spoken.

    Funny thing about state surpluses, when I lived in Minnesota, the BLUEST of the midwest states, we had the same issue – a surplus. Guess what? They GAVE IT BACK TO THE TAXPAYERS! That’s why I expected Michigan to do the same thing. But Queen Gretch is aiming for the White House and will destroy “her” state to get there.

  7. Arkansas is sooooooo poor, collect taxes from who? Thats low, we work real hard grifting & are diligent in training our future lawmakers/children exactly how to grift graciously from the gummerment. Amen.

  8. Sara is a beautiful example of restoring our rights in response to the evil taking over our country. The founding father did not propose an income tax. Taxing is the embodiment of the evil taken over our country to ensure the politicians can take away your very very hard earned money and stick it in their own pockets.


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