Republican Herschel Walker Shows Commanding Lead over Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock – IOTW Report

Republican Herschel Walker Shows Commanding Lead over Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock


Republican Herschel Walker holds a ten-point lead over far-left incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) in a hypothetical matchup for Georgia’s U.S. Senate seat, according to a recent poll conducted by a pro-Walker super PAC.

34N22, the pro-Walker super PAC, conducted a poll showing the former football star with a ten-point lead over the far-left incumbent. The polling model showed Walker with 51.4 percent to Warnock’s 41 percent.

The poll also showed President Joe Biden and the Democrat senate with similar job approval numbers in the state, both underwater. Biden’s approval as president showed him only a 43.8 percent approval and a 52.4 percent disapproval.

On the other hand, Warnock has a job approval rating of 45.2 percent as a senator and only 41.6 percent approval. 34N22 pointed out that the numbers are “devastating” for the Warnock campaign since he spent more than $7 million on positive advertising on television since January.

When the respondents were informed about Warnock’s voting record and public positions, he took on legislation that was the “direct opposition” to the interests of Georgians, such as issuing messages related to crime, inflation, and other economic conditions the Republicans extended his lead.


9 Comments on Republican Herschel Walker Shows Commanding Lead over Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock

  1. Huh, guess you guys don’t remember the night Warnock waz, eh, “elected”, the last time?

    You forgot about me?


    Go on, vote! Yay Hershel! You can “count” on me to make sure the “election” comes out as it *giggle!* should…

  2. Warnock has these ad on TV where he’s ranting about the Shipping Container Cartel and the obscene profits they’re reaping off the backs of the common man, and I have to say WTF, Raphael?

    Is Herschel Walker a Shipping Container Magnate, and you’re waiting to drop the bombshell in October? Seriously, WTF, my dude.

  3. 10-poimnt lead? It’s going to be a blood bath come November. If you think the Twitter Nazi’s are having a $hit fit now, wait until November. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. I can’t wait to eye poke and tease relentlessly on Twitter. 🙂

  4. @Jerry Mandarin – my father’s middle name was originally Raphael. His mother was Catholic and named him after the saint. He hated it so much he changed it to Ralph, which I personally think is worse, LOL. No offense meant to the Ralph’s out there. :=)

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