Republican HQ in Orange County firebombed – IOTW Report

Republican HQ in Orange County firebombed

CharlotteObserver: Hillsborough police are investigating the apparent weekend firebombing of the Orange County Republican headquarters, an incident that one GOP official called an act of “political terrorism.”


Police say the incident occurred when a bottle of flammable liquid was thrown through the front window of the office on Ja-Max Dr.

The words, “Nazi Republicans get out of town or else” were spray painted on the side of an adjacent building.

“This highly disturbing act goes far beyond vandalizing property; it willfully threatens our community’s safety via fire, and its hateful message undermines decency, respect and integrity in civic participation,” Hillsborough Mayor Tom Stevens said in a statement. “Acts like this have no place in our community.”

Orange County, home to the University of North Carolina in nearby Chapel Hill, is overwhelmingly Democratic. Democrats and independents outnumber Republicans 5-1.

Hillsborough police along with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were continuing to investigate.

Dallas Woodhouse, executive director of state GOP, called the bombing “political terrorism.”

“The office itself is a total loss,” he said. “The only thing important to us is that nobody was killed, and they very well could have been.”

17 Comments on Republican HQ in Orange County firebombed

  1. There will be lot’s of violence if DJT is elected. It’s their contingency plan. The Freaks, Flakes, and Nuts need to be beaten back into the shadows where they came from.

  2. “There will be lot’s of violence if DJT is elected. It’s their contingency plan.”

    I agree. Lotta people think we’re home free once DJT i elected. Way not true. The leftists will try to make us pay for our’mistake’. Gonna be a rough couple years for sure.

  3. And I think the globalist bastards (left and gope) will intentionally crash our economy. They’ll blame DJT policies in the hopes that we’ll turn back to the left to be saved.

  4. Perspective, If Trump wins Barry will get Yellen to raise interest rates the next week, stop the Fed from pumping and the stock market will crash. It doesn’t matter though. It’s got to crash sooner or later.

  5. I thought they might wait til spring to blow the economy. Give it just enough time that DJTrump can own it and it would be better/easier riot weather.

    You may be right.

    After the first couple of clintoon years I thought ‘We The People’ would be fed up with all the bullshit by the late 90s-early 2000s. I was wrong.

    Now here we are in 2016 and it will only be worse because we didn’t show them our anger sooner.

  6. Perspective, I think Barry’s a vengeful little prick. I think he’ll crash it asap and blame it on Trumps Anti Global position. He won’t tank just our economy, he’ll tank the World economy. He craves pandemonium. A crashed stock market, a melt down of financial institutions and violence in the streets. What more would your average card carrying Saul Alinsky communist crave? Fucker forgot to get our guns though. LOL

  7. as usual, Leftists display their stupidity and ignorance and lack of knowledge about their own ideology.

    Firebombing was one of the favorite tactics of the KKK when they wanted a black family or black church to leave the area. The KKK was founded by the Democrat Party after the War Between The States as a means to keep their bootheels on the necks of the uppity Negroes.

    Another fact is that there are four branches of Socialism – the American branch called Progressivism, the branch called Communism, the branch called Fascism and finally, the branch called National Socialism (Nazism). So the spraypainting asshole Leftist just proved that he she it is a stupid dumbass.

  8. Chapel Hill, NC is notorious for leftist, God hating despicables. Islamic sleep cells, leftist professors and brain dead SJW and BLM tools have infested The University of North Carolina. A UNC student activist probably firebombed the Hillsborough RNC office.
    Hillsborough NC, a nearby city, has been invaded by the UNC elitist, progressive transplants. They live in beautiful historic homes and reap the benefits of low taxes and low crime. And yes, they are less likely to do something this stupid, they’re too comfortable.

  9. There’s a part of me that wants things to really go off. I want a chance to pop some of these vermin. They’ll never change or go away so must be treated like a rabid animal.

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