Republican lawmakers can stop electronic voting machines with a single 6-page resolution – IOTW Report

Republican lawmakers can stop electronic voting machines with a single 6-page resolution

A Blueprint For Ending The Voting Machines Has Arrived.

Gateway Pundit:
Arizona Senate Elections Committee Passes Resolution To Ban Foreign Voting Machines and Require Source Code, Ballot Images, Chain of Custody Documents, and Log Files To Be Made Public.

The Arizona Senate Elections Committee yesterday passed a Senate Concurrent Resolution setting official requirements for the use of electronic voting machines in the state.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, the Elections Committee heard bombshell testimony in the “Elections Mechanics, Part 3″ presentation and voted on a number of election integrity bills.

State Senators stayed in committee from 2 pm until 9 pm on Monday to consider these critical agenda items.

The strike everything amendment to State Senator Anthony Kern’s SCR1037 set official requirements for the voting machines to require all levels of production to occur in the United States, making source code available to the public, and requiring the Secretary of State to post ballot images, chain of custody documents, and log files on their website within 24 hours after polls close. MORE

11 Comments on Republican lawmakers can stop electronic voting machines with a single 6-page resolution

  1. Every Democrat in the country will insist that this must not pass, claiming election integrity would be compromised – the literal opposite of the effect it would have. Because that is what they do.
    And people who only watch CBS, ABC, NBC will believe them.


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