Republican Moves to Ban Communist China from Buying up America’s Farmland – IOTW Report

Republican Moves to Ban Communist China from Buying up America’s Farmland

Neon Nettle:

A Republican congressman has moved to end China’s mass buying spree of America’s agricultural land by banning the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from purchasing any more farmland.

Communist China has been buying up farmland in the United States for years.

The trend is something that Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) has vowed to end in order to safeguard the American food supply chain.

In June, Newhouse introduced an amendment to the House’s fiscal 2022 agriculture appropriations bill (H.R.4356).

“China, frankly, is an adversary,” the lawmaker explained in a recent interview with NTD while discussing his amendment. more

46 Comments on Republican Moves to Ban Communist China from Buying up America’s Farmland

  1. Of course he has.

    He’s a congress creature no one has ever heard of. He’s from WA, so it’s safe to be the opposition. He’s Trey Gowdy cum Jim Jordan only on the local level.

    Pluck ’em, Stan. pluck ’em right in the ear.

    Am I bitter? You betcha.

  2. No man. Sell them all the farm land. then nationalize it and return it to the original owners. The Chicoms are Blow hards. Fuck them. However, if the Ruskies go on the offensive, so will the Chicoms. That’s what happens when your unelected leader pisses on his feet. Fuck me.

  3. Playing to the chumps. Just make the local property taxes each year equal to the purchase price for foreign entities. Then you won’t have the problem of foreign ownership or washington involvement.

  4. Hey, I’m down for it, but your solution is to essentially lie to the ChiComs, Brad?

    I get that the Bible and the Constitution aren’t suicide pacts. I just also want to get what you’re saying here.

  5. I haven’t decided whether Brad is Paluso or Quinelle from The Survivors 1983 featuring Matthau and Williams.

    I’d love to be equated with either thespian, yet I’m certain this will result in the Ultimate Bradster hailing down fire and brimstone.

  6. I’m not teasing Mount Bradley.

    I only want to learn at the lap of total awesomeness… So I can maybe, hopefully, one day feint at achieving just a facsimile of the greatness that is Brad.

    Hail Brad!

  7. Immortal Fish

    With out going into a bunch of shit, I’ve been in a position to watch the fucking ChiComs raid our shit. With the help of our local, state, and federal government. The ChiComs have zero respect for us. They should. In the long run they’re cowards. Examine the threats they’ve made over the last ten years. I have no respect for these slants. And the only guy we’ve ever had in office that knew how to handle them was cheated out of his second term. And the ChiComs helped out.

  8. Ah shit, now I want to beat this guys ass. Won’t take long. I’m honestly wondering why I have this effect on insecure faggots. I mean really, what does he disagree with what I’ve written. Unlees he’s a fucking Libtard plant. I think that’s it.

  9. Aww. Can’t have a disagreement without threatening to beat someone’s ass. You give our side a very bad Rep, Bad Brad.

    I’ve been here for years. Staunch conservative. You just can’t handle that someone can’t handle your BS.

    SO! Where were we. Brad wants us to lie, correct?

  10. ” You give our side a very bad Rep, Bad Brad.”
    No, I’m a staunch conservative that gets really pissed by being attacked by weak sisters. And I am a man. Keep fucking with me, but mean while please tell me what I have written to make you my enemy. I already know, but please, type away.

  11. Gosh. Those are lotsa tough words, tough guy.

    Maybe you kinda already underscored the reasons why I dislike you?

    I’ve studied under the Gracie family of Jiu-Jitsu and would welcome any embrace you wish to bestow at any time of your choosing, good friend!

    But before we do… Why do you find it so necessary to be so abrasive to everyone, including those we wish to win over? Sincerely.

  12. Jay

    Actually I’m 65 years old, a cancer survivor, a successful business owner, an ultra conservative, and would make you and fish boy spot your underwear if you ever met me. Again, what have I typed that’s offended you, and again, I know, and you know. You’re a fucking weak sister pussy threatened by anything that might be a little more masculine than you. Pretty sure Fish Boy wears a lot of dresses. You people are not on my side.

  13. That’s right, Brad. I gotta take you seriously about all your armature and all your 2A go get ’em stuff right up until you have to take me seriously about how I know I could destroy your body.


  14. ” get ’em stuff right up until you have to take me seriously about how I know I could destroy your body.”

    Dude, you gonna suck my dick to hard? Nobody says that shit. You’re a fag. Admit it. Give me a couple gun questions and I’ll answer correctly. I bet you wish your mental health care professional would let you touch one. You’re a fake. A pussy. Quit while your behind.

  15. OH! And I’m also about to be a cancer survivor too! Yay me! Prostate cancer. Nurse asked me online what gender I identify as. “Um, the gender that can contract prostate cancer?!”

    I’d been keeping this quiet, fucking hate you Brad.

  16. “This is the part where you SHUT UP, Brad”
    After this is over I’ll probably never post here again. But that demands a certain amount of satisfaction on my part FAG BOY. I can’t think of a God Damn thing I’ve ever posted here that didn’t support the conservative cause. So WTF you tender little bitch? Spill it coward.

  17. I don’t FEAR my kind, fool.

    What I DISLIKE is my kind perpetrating the conservative scarecrow that you represent, fool. The pick’em up truck, shotgun, hootnanny, WOO-HAAAH amongst us.

    You’re such a right-wing tough guy that you can’t even get along with your own kind!

  18. Immortal Fish
    You are not my kind. In reality your physically substandard. You take offense at my type A personality. I scare you. Rightfully so. So your a key board tuff guy. Congrats, the pussies now own the place. I’ve found greener pastures. You own it.

  19. Don’t post anymore Brad. I Dare you, you’ll be “Lunatic Fringe” again in two weeks and that won’t stop you from being an ass again because you are an ass, actually you take pride in being an ass. Sad really.

  20. What’s sad is that I honestly wish I was Brad. This cartoon fabrication of a human being. Sincerely!

    Imagine confronting any opposition by shooting them in the face. That would be so exquisite!

    “Nancy Pelosi stated earlier today that…” ::BRAD BOOM!!::

    “The House decided that there were no comments today…”

  21. Hey, Brad! You’re already well-liked on this site. Doesn’t seem like it’s much of a stretch to be well-liked by the rest of us. You should try to achieve that. It’s not every day your opposition gives you suggestions for improvement. Maybe you should kinda capitalize on the goodwill?

  22. Immortal Fish: That’s the conundrum. Brad seems to be well liked yet he wants to fistfight those with a differing opinion or thought. It’s like my relatives that voted for Obama, Hillary, Biden. Just plain argumentative and sour like a rotting peach.

  23. Immortal Fish: actually Brad will wake up from the Drambuie/Norcon dose and wake up at 5 am to feed his pet turtles (cuff & link), run up six or seven stairs and raise his arms in a triumphant manner so the admiring throngs will honor his specialness.

  24. Ant to whomever:

    You Cannot Invest in ChYnA UNLESS you have a ChYnA Commie Approved Partner so thet they can ROB YOU BLIND intellectually, by running Parallel Assembly Lines, & in their Accounting.


    They are still sticking to the “Bat Soup” Origin Story FFS!

    Cheers ALL!

  25. So baiting Brad Brad regarding his arrogance is as sure to work as stinkbait on catfish, it appears.
    Cancer survivor?
    So am I, so far. Just don’t broadcast it.
    Am I special too?

  26. I’m at a loss to see how Brad is arrogant or anything but stand up. Been here a while.

    But then, punks have to travel in gangs, so if you don’t have one, sit behind your keyboard and make one up. 🦄

    Wow, go get him, girl(s). Pathetic.

  27. This has got to be the dumbest thread this site has ever posted.

    Immortal fish, I know you are trying to play the adult in the room, but you threw down first. Yes, threats of violence on a blog are silly and childish, but you were a willing participant, and it appears by design.

    And this “conservative” dick measuring ,”Mine is bigger than yours”, entertaining for sure but ultimately pointless.

    With the bad guys (the commies, the identity politics worshipers, the ANTIFA/BLM thuggery deniers, and all the stooges hell bent on our demise) in charge and running things, naturally our tempers are short, people become surly, emotions run high. But we need to band together.

    I don’t want anyone to leave and certainly we need to comport ourselves better, but every foot soldier needed. The similarities far outweigh the differences.

    The enemy is out there, not amongst ourselves.

  28. @General Malaise

    “I thought it was good entertainment!”


    I appreciate a good dust up as much as the next guy but I prefer etymological humiliation and linguistic castration over naked simplistic threats of violence. Wit and whimsy, verbal jousting is much more satisfying.

    Hopefully, when tempers cool we can get back to normal around here.

  29. Similar thoughts here, rich taylor, but I have to admit all the participants above made me either burst out laughing or at least chuckle in the same vein as the famous, “Jane, you ignorant slut!”


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