Republican Ohio Gov. DeWine targeted with articles of impeachment backed by members of his own party – IOTW Report

Republican Ohio Gov. DeWine targeted with articles of impeachment backed by members of his own party

Just The News: Republican Ohio state Rep. John Becker has officially filed 12 articles of impeachment against Republican Gov. Mike DeWine. 

Three other Republican state representatives have joined with Becker.

“Governor DeWine’s mismanagement, malfeasance, misfeasance, abuse of power and other crimes include, but are not limited to, meddling in the conduct of a presidential primary election, arbitrarily closing and placing curfews on certain businesses, while allowing other businesses to remain open,” a portion of a press release from Becker’s office declares. “He weaponized the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation to bully and harass businesses and the people; to enforce a statewide mask mandate and other controversial measures of dubious ‘value,’ making Ohio a hostile work environment.”

“Additionally, Governor DeWine had the further audacity to include congregants at places of worship, forcing citizens to choose between worshipping their God and worshipping at the altar of unbridled government,” another part of the release states. “Many Ohioans find the controversial mask mandate offensive, degrading, humiliating, and insulting. There is also evidence that masks can be a health hazard by retaining bacteria, viruses, and creating panic attacks and other physiological difficulties. Governor DeWine doubled down when he expanded the mandate to our school-age children, who are less susceptible to COVID-19.” more

7 Comments on Republican Ohio Gov. DeWine targeted with articles of impeachment backed by members of his own party

  1. Dewine was a senator during Bush 2. He was John McCains lapdog.
    Remember McCains Gang of 8? Citizenship for illegals? Dewine was on the Gang of 8.
    How the good people of OH elected him as Gov is beyond me. I live in OH.
    Another tidbit. NRA endorsed Dem Ted Strickland for Gov. He was Obama’s right hand man and had NRA endorsement. This was until Dewine was running and then Strickland was a Gun Grabbing Lib according to NRA……….


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