Republican Party of Virginia Office vandalized – IOTW Report

Republican Party of Virginia Office vandalized

TheBullElephant: Overnight the office of the Republican Party of Virginia in Richmond was vandalized. RPV Chairman Rich Anderson issued the following statement:

“Under cover of darkness on Thursday night, the violent wave of crime that has infected Richmond for months struck again with a violent, cowardly, and unprovoked attack on the state headquarters of the Republican Party of Virginia (RPV). In prior months, these violent attacks on families and businesses in Virginia’s capital city have gone unchecked by Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney and Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, whose neglect enabled last night’s attack on the building that has been the home of millions of Virginia Republicans for four decades. 

more here

h/t PHenry.

9 Comments on Republican Party of Virginia Office vandalized

  1. We’re getting a glimpse of what Spain and Chile were like before Franco and Pinochet.

    Either we let leftists run wild and brutally and violently attack us and everything we own, or……

    we crack down on it and leftist historians will record leaders on the right who put a stop to it as brutal dictators.

    You don’t really think that Franco and Pinochet cracked down on their citizens for no reason at all except the joy of it, do you?

  2. This guy did about everything possible to get himself caught, from wearing distinctive clothing and not wearing a mask to conceal his identity to parking his car in the immediate view of a surveillance camera.

    He either intended to be caught or he is on the really low end of the IQ scale.

  3. Driving through North Carolina Yesterday, I saw a Bumper Sticker that said

    DENNY 2020 it was the same size and color as the Trump 2020…It took Me a

    moment…But I laughed for about ten Miles..Up Yours Joy Reid !!!

    I drove from Little Torch Key, to Clearwater, then from Clearwater to Morehead

    City NC….a 1,000 + Trump signs..No Biden…

  4. Uncle Al, A few Months back , Joy was reading the teleprompter,

    “The Message from the White House is Deny, Deny, Deny”

    Except She said “Denny, Denny,Denny!”

    Then was baffled when the Voice in Her Ear corrected her.


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