Republican Senators Graham, Hatch and Lee Doxxed By Someone In House Shortly After Questioning Kavanaugh – IOTW Report

Republican Senators Graham, Hatch and Lee Doxxed By Someone In House Shortly After Questioning Kavanaugh

DC: An unknown person located in the House of Representatives on Thursday posted the personal information of Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, as well as Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch of Utah.

All three senators sit on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and their personal information was posted shortly after each questioned Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh during Thursday’s hearing.

“They appear to be targeting Republican members of the committee after they question Judge Kavanaugh,” a Hatch spokesman told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The staffer noted the change revealed Hatch’s home address and that Thursday was the senator’s wife’s birthday.

The changes were immediately highlighted by a watchdog account that monitors Wikipedia changes made using IP addresses located in the House. read more

31 Comments on Republican Senators Graham, Hatch and Lee Doxxed By Someone In House Shortly After Questioning Kavanaugh

  1. This is criminal at the least, more likely sedition. These morons are pushing the boundaries, probing, trying to see what they can get away with. The Marxists are starting a war, these are just the opening salvos.

  2. You see, this is what the Honorable Brett Kavanaugh was talking about in his opening speech…Why would anyone run for office on the right, accept a nomination for The Supreme Court, or even delve in state politics if you are on the right? You will be shouted out of Italian restaurants, you will have the most horrific uncorroborated smears attested towards you, and your family and friends will suffer badly. You will leave the fray of modern day American politics licking your wounds until the day you die…Thanks to the DNC!!! They have now destroyed America.

  3. The dimms treatment of Kavanaugh was vile and despicable. Ir was outside the bounds of human decency.

    They should be recalled by any sensible person who didnt vote for them. Can the President request the absence of their presence?

  4. Someone didn’t want to wait until they were all together on a ball diamond.

    As with Mohammedans, we now know that it’s possible to be at war with the Left and not even know it. We’re involved in (at least) two wars, both for survival. Have been for awhile.

    Surest way to lose a war is to never realize you’re in one.

  5. Graham’s outrage, just might, carry over and finally give others the courage to fight, and fight hard. Attack them.
    Fair is fair, and it’s far past time to attack .
    Time to play by the Democrat rules.

  6. Someone, or someones more likely, are about to be hit with some lawsuits
    by the family members of those senators. I hope it breaks the doxxes, and the Representative they work for.

    Fight fire with overwhelming fire.

  7. Libtards declared war on our Constitutional Republic along time ago. One of these days maybe we’ll start fighting back. Remember, they already shot Steve Scalise. This is a real threat.

  8. It would be SO fun to be a conservative Republican (politician/bureaucrat) who fights and hits back….. HARD. Make the DildoCrats whimper for mercy. But don’t give them any.
    (Un)Fortunately, I live in genteel Utah.

  9. Tomorrow, please take 5 minutes out of your day and call to respectfully REQUEST A YES VOTE ON KAVANAUGH on SATURDAY:

    Susan Collins: 202-224-2523
    Bob Corker: 202-224-3344
    Jeff Flake: 202-224-4521
    Lisa Murkowski 202-224-6665

  10. I expect an attempted seizure of power now through obstruction, civil unrest, some of our police and military. They only take DC, hold the president and family hostage.

    Traitors in every federal department. Media blackout. Military support from foreign governments. Obama’s private army.

    Traitors believe they can do it. It will end badly, it won’t last long, they will lose of course. But the Bolsheviks will probably carry out assassinations.

  11. If that doxxing was intended to facilitate angry mobs outside politicians’ homes, it isn’t much of a stretch to regard the doxxer as supporting terrorism as defined by fed law.

    18 U.S. Code § 2331 – Definitions

    (5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—
    – (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
    – (B) appear to be intended—
    — (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
    — (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
    — (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
    – (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.

  12. The Founding Fathers stood up for Liberty and Justice FOR ALL despite the risk of certain death for themselves and all their loved ones.

    So what if these Senators were “doxed”?? They benefit from seriously powerful protection of the US Federal Government. None of us enjoy such security. Happy Birthday Ma’am.

    This is when they can actually earn all the perks, privilege and luxury they have helped themselves to for years.

    Or else they deserve to be put out like cowardly and worthless dogs.

  13. The Founding Fathers were the best and brightest our nation ever saw. And their bravery confirmed/validated those virtues.

    Patriotism is not clever parlor talk. We are (have been) at WAR. Wake up Nancy.


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