Republican Senators Hold Press Conference At U.S. Mexico Border to Outline Scope of the Crisis – IOTW Report

Republican Senators Hold Press Conference At U.S. Mexico Border to Outline Scope of the Crisis


A contingent of Republican senators traveled to Texas on Thursday for a tour of the border region to understand the scale of the problem currently facing Border Patrol.  After a night and early day visit of the border region the GOP senators gathered to brief the press and answer questions.

Senator Ron Johnson (Wisconsin) was emphatic about the stunning statistics that are now evident.  As Johnson shared during his portion of the briefing, under President Trump the border region was secured and together with agreements with Central American and Mexico the southern border wall was working well to stop illegal alien influx.

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h/t Joe6Pak

7 Comments on Republican Senators Hold Press Conference At U.S. Mexico Border to Outline Scope of the Crisis

  1. Can it.

    You assholes had the opportunity to do something significant in Trump’s first two years and sat on your Goddamned thumbs or were busy conspiring with Paul Ryan to screw the American people.

  2. I’m sick and tired of playing make-believe with these parasitic shitsatchels. Like JDhasty said “you had two years” with no obstacles and you did nothing but conspire to prop up the status quo. Eat a dick.


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