Republicans are failing Americans on border security – IOTW Report

Republicans are failing Americans on border security

JTN: U.S. Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, blasted House Republicans for saying one thing and doing another on border security. He took to the House floor on Wednesday, one day before Texas celebrates its independence from Mexico, arguing House Republicans wouldn’t have had the guts to defend the Alamo.

Texas declared independence on March 2, 1836; in defending the Alamo, roughly 200 were besieged by roughly 6,000 and the Alamo fell on March 6. More Texans would die and Gen. Sam Houston, who would later call on the state legislature to respond to an invasion at the southern border, led Texans to victory on April 21, 1836.

On Wednesday, House Republicans overwhelmingly voted to pass a three-page bill requiring the executive branch to report on the inflationary impact of executive orders but rejected an amendment that would have banned “emergency” executive orders from being issued, which Roy argues are the primary drivers of inflation. more

9 Comments on Republicans are failing Americans on border security

  1. If it wasn’t for cowardice and hypocrisy the GOPe would have nothing.

    Gutless, money-grubbing cowards and traitors.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Democrats are the failure …”
    “Failure” my ass. They are treasonous dogs, doing their damnedest to destroy this country; and are doing a fine job of it, too. The RINOs are co-conspirators and should be hanged right alongside the demonrats.

    Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Putin, Xi, et al, are envious of the demonrat’s successes.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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