Republicans Are Likely To Retain Control Of Congress – IOTW Report

Republicans Are Likely To Retain Control Of Congress

Daily Caller: It’s called the “mid-term curse”: first-term presidents suffer a loss of appeal and voters decide to punish them at the polls. It happened to President Obama in 2010. Republicans rode a Tea Party wave to regain control of the House of Representatives in one of the most momentous election turnarounds in US history.

Will Democrats follow suit and recapture the House from Republicans this fall?

Predictions of a “Blue Wave” inundating the GOP in the November mid-terms abound. Everyone from polling expert Nate Silver to never-Trumper Ed Gilgore say one is coming.  It will stoke the Democrats’ ambition to impeach Trump and completely stall the GOP agenda, they say.

Don’t bet on it. A little-noticed report released last week by the liberal-leaning Brennan Center for Justice points to one important reason why.  The report projects that Democrats would need to win the national popular vote for congressional districts by a nearly 11 percentage point margin over Republicans to gain more than the roughly two dozen seats they need to flip control of the Republican-led chamber.

But that’s rarely ever happened.  “It would be the equivalent of a tsunami,” says Michael Li, a senior counsel for the center, which is based at New York University School of Law. “Democrats would have to win larger than any sort of recent midterm wave — almost double what they got in 2006 — in order to win a narrow majority.” more

15 Comments on Republicans Are Likely To Retain Control Of Congress

  1. The GOPe is fully capable of snatching defeat from the jaws of Victory.
    And even if they do retain a majority I wouldn’t trust them to drain the swamp. Because they live in the swamp. And they like it.
    The swamp is big and deep.

    And it’s spreading.

  2. as bad as the repugnicans are, they are better than the demonRats
    tax cuts would have never passed, neither would’ve the repeal of aspects of O’BilkUs Care have happened

    the muckrakers have got the demonrat/progtard base stirred up to come out to vote in November … as much as we’d love to throw out the repugnicans do we really want to return of demonRats to power?
    … I certainly do not … we all must get out there & support Trump!

  3. In 2006 Democrats were voted into power. Why? Not because voters wanted them – in fact after the 2006 and 2008 elections the swing was back to Republican. No, it was because Republicans had 6 glorious years to do something of substance, and they did nothing. Actually worse, they added to government, including Medicare Part D.
    Whatever happens in November 2018 will be a response to a Republican Congress reducing government overreach, or failing to. And especially immigration. That’s what the polls show.

  4. I hope they do retain control for obvious reasons, but aren’t we playing fast and loose with the term control?
    Bunch of pussies, they’re recalcitrant to TRUMP and obsequious to the demholes, WTF?
    They got the power handed to them and have a great leader in TRUMP yet they seem to be intent on squandering it.

  5. Enjoyed the linked article, and yet I sit here thinking the establishment Republicans are wringing their hands over this news right along with the Democrats.

  6. My gut tells me that the blue wave is bullshit. The only way that would happen is the red snooze and massive voter fraud from illegal invaders.

    The red snooze, aka voter apathy is our greatest foe

    You have to play the long game, wins, losses, but constantly try to advance the ball.

    That’s what the socialists have been doing for a hundred years. Many of us quiet conservatives have just awoken, say, for the last 10+ years.

    You can’t quit. Unacceptable.

    Defeat democrats wherever they are. Cantor Republican squishes. It’s possible.

  7. deplorable dude,
    Weed out the Mensheviks.
    I no longer donate to the RNC – only to individuals – and I’m happy to explain my reasons for doing so.
    “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
    “A pebble may start an avalanche.” (OK, I made that one up)

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I wouldn’t be surprised if GOPe willing threw the election to a blue wave. They’re never Trumpers, live in the swamp, like it, and want to keep it swampy. They’ve earned the title The Stupid Party for a reason. Hoping my pessimism is wrong. But – Too often they’ve taught us to expect they will make the glass half empty, not half full and filling.

  9. The swamp suckers will be out in full force to regain what they have have lost.
    The differences between the potty’s only exist in the minds Of the voters,
    the UNI potty hates Americans and America! Vote for President Trump, urinate in the swamp!!!


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