Republicans demand spending freeze until next Congress – IOTW Report

Republicans demand spending freeze until next Congress

Just The News: A Republican bloc in the House of Representatives is calling for a freeze on federal spending until after the midterm elections and the swearing in of the next Congress.

In a letter to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, the House Freedom Caucus, a collection of the GOP’s more conservative members, advised that Congress maintain its current funding levels through a continuing resolution rather than allow Democrats to appropriate more funds for political purposes, The Hill reported.

“The American People literally cannot afford another Democrat-led spending measure that would exacerbate inflation and continue to fund the very agencies waging war on our freedoms,” the letter read.

President Joe Biden on Tuesday signed the Inflation Reduction Act, a mammoth $740 billion spending package that includes tax and climate provisions critical to the Biden legislative agenda. Many Republicans fear the bill will have the opposite effect of its nominal goal. Inflation stood at an 8.5% annualized rate as of July.

The caucus went on to advise cutting funds to Democratic political projects and to instead devote resources to border security and energy independence initiatives. more here

12 Comments on Republicans demand spending freeze until next Congress

  1. You can’t “demand” shit.

    Not with Dominion in charge.

    …here’s how Nancy will react to your “demands”…

    …now go grow some ballz and figure out what you CAN do.

    Because you CAN’T do that, and you KNOW it.

    Which means all you ARE doing is Kabuki theatre and making campaign commercials so you can pretend to be something you’re not.

  2. The democrat wing of the communist party is intentionally trying to destroy America by spending us into deeper bankruptcy. Time to repeal all unnecessary spending starting with the money being given to illegals, then move onto cutting welfare for those who choose not to work.

  3. That is the message they are presenting for public consumption. What they are saying to their friends across the aisle in the shadows of the cloak rooms, smoked filled rooms and their favorite sex clubs, DC bathhouses and bars does not in any way, shape or form resemble that message.


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