Republicans expand probe into Dominion Voting Systems after Michigan counting snafu – IOTW Report

Republicans expand probe into Dominion Voting Systems after Michigan counting snafu

Wa Ex:

DETROIT — Republicans are probing more Michigan counties and suggesting investigations in Nevada and Arizona to determine whether further Dominion Voting Systems technology errors caused votes to be counted incorrectly.

Tony Zammit, communications director for the Michigan Republican Party, told the Washington Examiner on Saturday that the GOP is working across the Wolverine State to find out if other counties experienced similar issues to Antrim County.

“Our team is currently reaching out to county clerks across Michigan as well as going through election results in each of the counties which use this software to see how widespread this error may be,” Zammit said.

A failure to update software caused a glitch in one Michigan county, resulting in 6,000 votes erroneously being tabulated for Joe Biden rather than President Trump.

Michigan Republican Party Chairwoman Laura Cox claimed during a Friday news conference that 47 of Michigan’s 83 counties “used this same software in the same capacity” as in Antrim County, where the temporary issue occurred. During the briefing, Cox also called upon counties that use the Dominion Voting Systems software “to closely examine their result for similar discrepancies.”

The voting systems provider has contracts in all of the key swing states in which Trump’s campaign team is mounting legal challenges, and Republicans in two of those Southwestern states, Arizona and Nevada, also have their eye on the system.

“What does this mean for Nevada? We need answers,” the Nevada Republican Party said in a tweet on Friday in response to a tweet about Dominion being used in the state. read more

17 Comments on Republicans expand probe into Dominion Voting Systems after Michigan counting snafu

  1. I just saw where GA uses the Dominion systems and Gwinnett county GA reported counting issues on absentee ballots which held up the count. More and more this is looking to be a massive systemic fraud embedded in the software coding – not just fraudulent mail-in ballots. Joe Biden supposedly increased his vote totals in 4 metro Atlanta counties by about 260,000 votes over what Hillary had in 2016 (Gwinnett, Cobb, Fulton and Dekalb) which was a record turnout year.

    Trump’s totals only increased by about 50,000 in the same 4 counties which is very believable with his documented increases in minority votes. The assertion that Biden increased his vote totals by more than 400% more than Trump did in those same counties is simply impossible, especially when compared to the other GA counties.

    I think they will have to get into the coding and data transfer details to uncover the really big fraud – the same fraud that elected Obama twice I suspect.

  2. Charlie WalksonWater

    Glitches are, “WTF? Stupid fucking shitbox! How the fuck do I work around this?”

    and then… you know how it works. I’m preaching to people who know better and have more experience.

  3. Dominion Voting Systems is a company from Toronto, Canada, that has headquarters in Denver, …is one of three major firms providing voting machines in U.S. elections….has ties to the Clinton Foundation ….employs lobbyists with ties to major figures like Georgia’s Republican governor and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as well as a lobbyist who donated money to Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell… .

    ..Dominion Voting Systems has machines in more than one-third of the United States. They never had a lobbyist in Washington, DC until last year when they hired Brownstein Farber Hyatt & Schreck, a lobbying firm.”

    One of the account’s main supervisors is Nadeam Elshami, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) former chief of staff……

    “Both ES&S and its main competitor, Dominion Voting Systems, have released voting machines that security experts say can add votes to paper ballots after they are cast by voters. .

    Interesting – While searching for info about DVS, and Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul Pelosi, and a report saying he owns and control software used on voting machines, I saw a Gateway Pundit story from Dec 20, 2019.

    Nancy Pelosi’s son, Paul Jr. was also making trips to the Ukraine in 2017, is paid for a do-nothing job by an energy company. The same company also paid the Clintons thousands.

    Is anyone with ties to politicians not on the take?
    The ones who are not might be the short list. .

  4. No wonder the lib leaders keep telling people to learn how to code. They’re actually blowing a dog whistle to indicate programming intentional voter fraud into the system. “Learn to code” = “Steal the vote”.

    Reality no longer matters: It is absolutely irrelevant when it stands between the conceived plan and its realization. COVID and Biden are two holograms, two artificial creations, ready to be adapted time and time again to contingent needs or respectively replaced when necessary with COVID-21 and Kamala Harris. The accusations of irresponsibility thrown at Trump supporters for holding rallies vanish as soon as Biden’s supporters gather in the streets, as has already happened for BLM demonstrations. What is criminal for some people is permitted for others: without explanations, without logic, without rationality. The mere fact of being on the Left, of voting for Biden, of putting on the mask is a pass to do anything, while simply being on the Right, voting for Trump or questioning the effectiveness of masks is sufficient reason for condemnation and an execution that does not require any evidence or a trial: They are ipso facto labeled as fascists, sovereignists, populists, deniers — and those labeled with these social stigmas are supposed to simply silently withdraw.

  6. Dominion should have been on Trump’s pre-election list of things to fuck with. After the fact is only allowing squishy RINOs, which is most Rs, to be swept along in this FUCKING scummy transition talk that permeates the media.

    I will respond to any call to action that our President wants but understand there is absolutely no credence being given to any of the fraud we’re showing. None. Nada. Zero.

    Any coverage of the suits that will be filed today I guarantee will be so slanted it’ll make your blood boil.

    Videos, mathematical impossibilities, 1,000s of over votes and dead people voting, 90%+ turnout in districts with no history at all of that, 100s of 1,000s of votes with ONLY Biden voted for dumped in the middle of the night…on & on the fraud goes.

    Bill Barr should be ashamed of himself. After pinning a medal on a sniper that killed an unarmed woman behind a closed door, we should have expected it.

    Fire his ass and appoint Joe deGeneva. Fur will fly. Why attempt
    even handedness?

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