‘Republicans For Biden’ Owe The Nation — Heck, The World — An Apology – IOTW Report

‘Republicans For Biden’ Owe The Nation — Heck, The World — An Apology

I & I

In the run-up to the 2020 election, the Biden campaign was gleeful about the flood of prominent Republicans who’d crossed the aisle to support Joe’s candidacy. These Never-Trumpers weren’t just expressing their disdain for President Donald Trump, they were heartily, lovingly, making the case for Joe Biden.

Back then, they were lauded as heroes by the establishment. Today, everyone knows the truth.

These Biden-supporting Republicans were utterly, embarrassingly, dangerously wrong about the man they were touting for president. And we are all now paying an enormous and rapidly increasing price for their arrogant stupidity.

Nothing better encapsulates the “Republicans for Biden” mindset than the statement issued by nearly 500 former national security officials in the fall of 2020 backing Biden.

Forget about the fact that they trafficked in anti-Trump lies such as the “Russian bounty” story and sided against Trump on China, climate change, and other issues of importance to conservatives.

What stands out today is when they claimed that Biden “is the leader our nation needs.” more

22 Comments on ‘Republicans For Biden’ Owe The Nation — Heck, The World — An Apology

  1. “… utterly, embarrassingly, dangerously wrong …”

    No. They weren’t. They are TRAITORS who knew exactly what they were doing, and doing it knowing that they’d be stuffing their bank accounts.

    They SOLD America, Western Civilization, Sanity, and Christianity to the Godless Nihilists of the National Socialist World-Wide movement – aka Globaloneyism.

    They are amoral, unethical, foul, treasonous, greedy monsters who have no principles other than the worship of Mammon.

    And NO, they should not be given the luxury of killing themselves – they should be tried for treason THEN executed in a way that befits traitors.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The Bush Clan will die first! They have hated conservatives since VOO DOO ECONOMICS; 43 years ago! If you think GWB is not happy with Joe reread his 9/11/21 speech!
    Bush would rather ‘Americans go to Hell than have Don president! And he is getting his wish!

  3. “These Biden-supporting Republicans were utterly, embarrassingly, dangerously wrong about the man they were touting for president.”

    ..no, they weren’t wrong. They knew EXACTLY who he was.

    One of THEM.

    And they new EXACTLY what he’d do.

    Same as THEM.

    “And we are all now paying an enormous and rapidly increasing price for their arrogant stupidity.”

    …WE are.

    THEY aren’t.

    They never do…

  4. This is why they did not want the entire Congress, the Senate, the Supreme Court and the Cabinet all together at the State of the Union speech. A target-rich environment — where are the airplane terrorists when we really need them?

  5. Anonymous
    MAY 25, 2022 AT 5:36 AM
    “Hari kari for them.”

    …seppuku is for people who have a concept of honor, a sense of duty, and are capable of feeling shame if they do not fulfil that duty, and consider death to be the only acceptable recompense for their failure.

    …these people have no honor, consider their only duty to be to themselves, believe they are right in all they do because it benefits themselves, and have a sin seared conscience and so are incapable of feeling shame.

    Plus they would be far too cowardly to take a daggar to their own precious selves for ANY cause. We are talking about pedophiles, rapists, mas murderers who would sell their own children for political power. This is NOT a bunch to expect to exit honorably or consider the good of anyone but themselves.

    They cannot, therefore, be expected to remove themselves from out pain.

    They will therefore require some assistance in that regard.


  6. There is and never has been such a thing as a Republican for Biden. Had a liberal send me a link to a site before the 2020 election and the people who were saying Trump had wronged them were liberal, self absorbed Trump hating fakes.


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