Republicans Get to Work on Trump’s Agenda by Proposing Constitutional Amendment on Term Limits – IOTW Report

Republicans Get to Work on Trump’s Agenda by Proposing Constitutional Amendment on Term Limits


Republicans in Congress are already getting to work on trying to implement Donald Trump’s agenda.

Rep. Ralph Norman (R-NC) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) this week put forward a joint resolution seeking to limit the number of terms members of Congress can serve.

Under the terms of the amendment, U.S. senators would be restricted to two six-year terms and representatives in the U.S. House to three two-year terms.

According to the resolution, the amendment would take effect within seven years of being approved by Congress and ratified by the states. more

18 Comments on Republicans Get to Work on Trump’s Agenda by Proposing Constitutional Amendment on Term Limits

  1. They should also make it against the law for them to raise their own pay!!!

    The voters of each state should decide on their representatives’ and senators’ raises, within the limit of the COLA rules.

    OR all government employees including all congressional members cannot receive a raise higher than the percentage given each year to the military/social security under COLA rules.

    This year that would have been 2.5% NOT 40% as congress proposed for themselves.

    By the way, did that sneak through? I lost track of their budget shit dance, shoved through at the last minute.

  2. The problem is GOVERNMENT POWER in the first place, not how long these scum can wield it. Get rid of the power, the ability to pick winners and losers, the ability to insider trade, etc. and EVERYONE WINS.

  3. If you want term limits, you are admitting that voting is totally corrupted. Lets work on THAT problem first. I would bet if the vote was honest, we would not have people like Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, et al, in office today. Term limits will not fix the problem – there are too many crooks waiting to wield power.

  4. Mistakes are made. Sometimes the wrong person is put in office on lies and promises unfulfilled. Many congressmen are corrupted by the system after being in office for years. They are bought by external influences. Term limits would correct most of this. This would be the longest lasting, most beneficial legacy Trump could have if he can pull it off.

  5. 10 years max ‘public’ service in any capacity. It shouldn’t be a career. Freeze assets upon election. Work 6 months a year in two 3 month sessions. Minimum wage while in session. Room & board provided in a federal dorm. Maximum of 2 ‘staffers’. If we reduce the Federal gov to it’s basic core functions of maintaining the peace (defense), adjudicating disputes (justice) and dealing with foreign affairs (state) then you would remove much of the power that politicians currently wield.

  6. As MrLiberty suggested, such an amendment would be a mistake until the Deep State is defanged and dismantled. We have already seen them say that they can ignore what a (usually conservative) President says because they know he will be gone in a few years.

    I think Claudia’s suggestion of one subject per bill would be a better place to start. If politicians can’t bury pork in a bill to get himself some graft, many of them may not find it worth sticking around.


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