Republicans introduce plan to let citizens sue government for online censorship – IOTW Report

Republicans introduce plan to let citizens sue government for online censorship

Just The News:

Missouri Republican Sen. Eric Schmitt and North Carolina GOP Rep. Dan Bishop have introduced a bill that would permit citizens to sue specific federal employees for unlawfully censoring them online.

The Censorship Accountability Act, Schmitt stated “is designed to deter censorship in the first place, but if officials violate the First Amendment again, the Act gives the American people recourse.”

The pair’s legislation follows the release of subpoenaed documents from Facebook showing that the Biden administration pressured the social media platform to censor or restrict disfavored content, such as anti-vaccine posts.

“The Biden Administration’s brazen collusion with social media companies to censor speech should frighten every American regardless of their political affiliation,” Schmitt said. “When I served as Missouri’s Attorney General, I filed the landmark Missouri v. Biden lawsuit, which exposed all of this censorship.”

“Now, I’m taking action to ensure that it never happens again. This legislation would allow citizens to hold individual bureaucrats accountable if they collude with social media companies to censor speech,” he continued. “I’ve already filed legislation that would hold the social media companies accountable if they censor speech, now I’m working to hold the federal government actors accountable.”


10 Comments on Republicans introduce plan to let citizens sue government for online censorship

  1. Screw that newsmax thing. That was a megabyte evaporator. Shit like that will change how users interact with a site. And it has nothing to do with newsmax itself… any fucking self-playing video pisses off a certain subset of users.


    I agree. I have limited internet access where I live, so I had to pause it every time I refreshed the page. After a while, I just stopped checking in but only a few times a day! – Claudia

  2. They don’t think we’re stupid, they know we’re stupid.

    I’d rather see that the train cars they’ll use to transport the undesirables to the re-education camps comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. That’s something they just MIGHT be able to accomplish.


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