Republicans Pick Up 2 More House Seats – IOTW Report

Republicans Pick Up 2 More House Seats

Republican Michelle Steel Defeats Democrat Challenger in Orange County, California.
And- Republican Lori Chavez-DeRemer Wins, Flipping House Seat In Oregon.

5 Comments on Republicans Pick Up 2 More House Seats

  1. I can see the conversation going on today at the democrat’s headquarters.
    Obama: “WTF, I thought we had enough mail-in votes to keep the house. What moron caused this?”
    Biden: “Wait, I thought when you said we had to hold the house I thought you meant my house in Delaware.”

  2. OC is the only place where the local GOP organizers had the common sense to ballot harvest. Saying it’s wrong is no reason to only let the democrats use that dirty technique to win.

    Ballot harvesting basically puts the election in the hands of ballots collected from the least engaged eligible voters. One sincere voter is easily cancelled out by one lazy slob who gives his mail-in ballot to some door to door harvester who basically gets to vote numerous times.


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