Republicans recover over 100 files deleted by Jan. 6 committee days before GOP took majority: Report – IOTW Report

Republicans recover over 100 files deleted by Jan. 6 committee days before GOP took majority: Report

“It’s obvious that Pelosi’s Select Committee went to great lengths to prevent Americans from seeing certain documents produced in their investigation,” Loudermilk said.

15 Comments on Republicans recover over 100 files deleted by Jan. 6 committee days before GOP took majority: Report

  1. Traitors always try to cover their tracks.
    And the traitors in the DOJ and FBI will aid and abet the traitors in the House.

    None of the people involved – House, FBI, DOJ, USCP, and White Hut – have any respect, veneration, or loyalty to the United States of America.

    We have tolerated this filth too long.
    But, after 35 years, or so (since the Clintons were selling our ICBM telemetry to the ChiComs), we’re probably immune or desensitized.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


    Anybody see the Nikki Presser on CNN Live 6 minutes ago?

    She was asked if she would drop out
    She said “I don’t do what Trump wants”
    Followed by “I have NEVER done what Trump said to do”

    She was President Trumps SecState. Is she saying she never did what Trump told her to do with the United Nations? Does she mean she was actually doing the OPPOSITE behind the scenes with the DEEPS?

    This needs exploring.

    Also, she talked about her bracelets.

    This happened 10 minutes ago. Live on CNN.

    Check the DVR

  3. The big never ending push to take our guns and rights away is part of the democrats efforts to take over the government and they don’t want us defending America from their non-stop attacks. Wake up and smell their stench.

  4. First Fani, now Bennie…The Dem strategy of putting black faces in front of their most precious prosecutions is blowing up in their faces. They thought that the Republicans would be afraid to challenge these black clowns, but the incompetence, corruption and overreach by both of these circus trials cannot be swept under the rug. Now, the only thing the Dems have left is to cry “racism” as these figureheads are called on the carpet and their fraud is exposed.

  5. As it stands right now this is all BULLSHIT, it tells us nothing. It’s just more of the repuglickin smoke and mirrors. Will they reveal what they found, if anything, or just use it as a talking point?

  6. How soon will GWB’s girl liz be arrested?

    For those too busy to pay attention. GWB gave the legal max to each of her super pacs; and hosted many rallies for her. His girl Lerner was well protected by Trey G. I expect another “Bush Republican” will protect Liz!


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